Saturday, June 20, 2009

Student Perspective: Krystle

It was really hard to believe that we were actually in Jamaica until we actually stepped out of the airport into the hot and humid air (it was raining-go figure). We were so excited and just kept repeating “we’re in Jamaica! We’re in Jamaica!” As you probably know, we didn’t even get to see the house we were going to be staying in before we were put to work. I really enjoy the physical work and construction we have been doing on the house. Even though it is incredibly hot and you only have to be out there two seconds before you are sweating all over the place, I would do it all over again given the opportunity. I love the fact that I am able to be a part of the process that helps a needy family out and makes them light up with sunny smiles on their faces. I thank God so much for this amazing opportunity to serve here in Jamaica. I am one of the lucky kids who get to spend their time equally between construction on the house and playing with the kids. Yesterday was probably my favorite day. A small group of us got up early and headed out to the work sight before the rest of the group. There were a bunch of guys, Becky, and me. We were a little bit out numbered. Well, it was the hottest part of the day and Becky and I had to paint a wall with the sun directly on us. We had to wear sunglasses because the wall was so bright! I worked up on the house for the majority of the time. Then Brittnie Jarrett and I went down the mountain/hill to join some others who were playing with the kids. They were coloring and playing games. There were some face paint markers and the kids were having a blast. Then they decided to have a blast on me. I became one big art project. It started out with a little artwork on my arms and spread rapidly to my legs, face, neck, and even my shorts! The kids just attacked me. I honestly don’t believe I’ve had more fun in my life! The kids were laughing and having the best time. They also thought my camera was the coolest thing. My heart aches for them and how little they have and how they can be entertained for hours with the littlest things. And of course, it makes me appreciate what I have all the more. Why did God place me in America? Why wasn’t I born in a third world country? If I was born here, would I honestly be able to enjoy life the way these kids do? I thought going without my makeup for a few days was hard! One of the kids came up to me at My Fathers House and asked me why I wore ‘stuff on my face’. It was the first time I had worn makeup there. I stumbled over an answer they would understand. But I thought about that for the rest of the day. What is the real reason I wear makeup? I haven’t seen anyone here wear makeup besides the girls on our team. I wear it to make me look better. But I ask myself, why can’t I be happy with the natural way God make me? I don’t want to come across as someone who wants to hide behind a mask. I want people to see me as who I really am- a person who God made to spread who word to other people. Anyway, the house is looking amazing and we are just about finished. One more day to work on it! Tomorrow is church and I’m so excited to see what message God has stored for me in a foreign church where we all worship God in the same way. Love you all and many thanks for all the prayers for me. Love, Krystle


Unknown said...

Hi, Krystle,

Dad here. Glad the trip is going well. Nice photo of the "artwork". Kind of looks like the walls and ceiling in your room! Love you and miss you!

Mom and Dad

Sharon said...

Praying for you and Britt. Be Word saturated journal what you are learning please and sing pretty. Reach out with open arms. The kids will LOVE you.

Unknown said...

Krystle, I praise the Lord that you have the privilege of going on this mission trip. I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself while ministering, but have to admit that I am relieved that the artwork all over you is washable! We missed having you here for Father's Day. Thanks for sending a message to dad. You are beautiful on the inside and out- without make up! We are proud of you and the rest of the team and have been praying for you.
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

hey krystle, cant wait to see you uphere again
glad to see that your having fun while working down there .

see you soon