Sunday, June 21, 2009

Student Perspective: Alex

First off, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL THE DAD’S!!! Anywho, today was an amazing day. 10 of us got up at 6:30 to go snorkeling at the reef. While the rest of them got to sleep in until breakfast which was at 9:00! When regularly we have breakfast at 6:30! So the one day we get to sleep in we get the chance to go snorkeling…oh well it was simply amazing! The reef was gorgeous, we went out for 1 ½ hours. The salt was a little hard to get used too, but we managed. Of course the showers were crowded, especially since we had to go to church today. When we say church you usually mean the nice clothes, programmed service, organization, and ROOM to sit…but here it is totally different, pretty much the opposite. We walked in and the things that we took for granted were very difficult for them. We enter the room to scripture reading, what we would think as easy and just an everyday thing-easy to read. But everyone was helping the individual read the words that they couldn’t pronounce-since the regular language is patois (Pot-wa) and they have the English translation of the Bible. It was great to see how diligent they were to read that verse, they didn’t just give up or let someone else do it for them. The worship was a little bit different-actually A LOT different. Most of the songs were just thrown together and very out of tune, but that didn’t matter to them because they were worshiping the same God that we do-who cares if we are 8,000 miles away-WE HAVE THE SAME GOD. And that is what God really showed me today that it doesn’t matter if I don’t think that it is “normal” or what I see as the “right” way. God is everywhere, anywhere, at all times. Well, the rest of the day was pretty lazy-we just went to the beach ate lunch, ate dinner, and swam. (I think that swimming is kind of pointless here because the pool water is literally warmer than the air-but that’s just me) Well I am verrrrry tired, hope to see you all soon! Only 3 more days! Can’t actually believe I’ve been in Jamaica for this long already! Be home soon!

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