Friday, June 19, 2009

Student Perspective: Bron

The first day we got here everyone was overtired and super cranky. We unloaded a truck full of wood and tin for the house we are building and I thought this is not going to be fun. I don’t want to be here I want to be at home in my bed and sleep for days. Then the second day came and we carried all the wood we unloaded up a huge hill and I still really wanted to just go home. It wasn’t until the third day that I worked with the kids and they totally changed my attitude about being here. I realized this is why were here this not about me this about the awesome people living in this country. One lady brought us all salt fish fritters and juice even though she has nothing, and I realized I have everything so why can’t I just help these people and now I’m excited to help. I love the kids and the people here they are awesome. Last night a bunch of us girls went up on the roof and later on the pool deck for some devos. We talked about what we have learned and what we are struggling with. I love the girls here. I know they care for me I care for them. ~Bron~


Dad (Glyn) said...

U r so missed - glad to hear you are learning and growing - I know you will do great.
Praying for you and the team loads

Mr and Mrs Meade said...


Wow! How great to hear how much this trip is impacting you! We are so proud of you, watching you grow is such a treat!

Have a great week...and |
be careful on that roof!!! :-)

Mr and Mrs Meade