Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 2 Recap

Today started early with breakfast at 6:30. Surprisingly, everyone made it there on time. Following breakfast and a short devotional, we loaded up the vans and headed to the work site.

We had already staged the building materials at the bottom of the hill, so our first task of the day was to carry the pile of lumber and building supplies up the side of the mountain. This took most of the morning. We took a break for lunch and then started making progress on the house.

By the day's end we had four outside walls up and a few sheets of plywood. It was a long, tough day of work, but the kids were great, worked hard, and stayed hydrated. Before dinner, many were able to cool off in the pool. Dinner was traditional Jamaican fish, yummy.
After dinner, students had down time until our 8:00 debrief meeting. Many shared testimonies of the things that God is already doing in their lives. I'll try to have some of them post here also.

Tomorrow the choir students on the team will head to a local school to perform some songs and share testimonies while the rest of the team stays focused on finishing the house project. Continue to pray for the team and for good weather (it did not rain today until we were nearly finished with our work, and then it just sprinkled... Praise God!).

1 comment:

Dave and Kathe Meade said...

thanks for the update! Wow Patch up at 6:30 and even on time!!! Be sure and post your secret on how to do that. Great pictures today. It looks beautiful there. Keep up the good work kids, we are praying for all of you.

Love Mr. and Mrs. Meade