Saturday, June 27, 2009

5 Keys to Successful Re-entry

Hey Team, thanks for a great mission trip! Now that we are back it can feel like the trip is over. But there are a few things that you can do now to continue getting the most out of your experience. Here they are...

1. Know the #1 Question, "How was your trip?"
Everyone will ask you this question. Be prepared with a short answer that doesn't bore them. Leave room for them to ask more questions if they are interested. Don't be offended if they say, "That's nice." and move on in the conversation. Remember, they didn't have the same experience you had, so it's not as important to them as it is to you.

2. Find a Processing Partner
Find a friend that will be willing to just sit and listen to you for 2 or 3 hours while you talk about your experiences. That time will allow you to hear yourself talk about the trip and you may discover some things that you didn't know you had learned. Remember, we often don't know what we think until we hear ourselves say it.

3. Plan what will change
On trips like these many people make important decisions to change things in their lives. Unfortunately, some hope to change everything and then are frustrated when nothing changes. So, avoid that by planning one thing to change. Be specific and set goals. Find accountability and have someone help you make the changes you want to make in your life in response to the trip.

4. Don't let it end!
Even though the trip is "officially" over, you can keep it alive with two key activities: First, by praying consistently for those people you met along the way. And second, by becoming an advocate for missions. Talk about the trip and how it changed you. Talk about the needs you saw. Inspire others to take action by getting involved.

5. Write a prayer letter.
Take time to write a letter to all of the people who helped make the trip possible for you. Tell them about your experiences and about what God did in your life. Ask them to continue praying for you as God continues to show you how to be involved in Missions.

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