Wednesday, October 21, 2009

JCS Summer Mission Trip Announced

Destination: Guatemala City, Guatemala

Dates: July 3 through July 10, 2010. Applications are available to download online by clicking here. Applications must be completed by January 10, 2010.

Cost: $1,325. Cost includes pre-trip training materials, air & ground travel, meals, lodging, project materials, team t-shirt, sightseeing costs, and emergency medical insurance. Basically, we cover everything.

What: Our week will be spent serving alongside missionaries John & Amy Banta. The Banta’s are serving God in Guatemala through Global Soccer Ministries. Soccer skills are not required. We will be assisting GSM with a variety of projects throughout the community.


We’ll travel by bus from JCHS to Detroit Metro Airport and fly to Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Food & Lodging:

We will be staying at the Nazarene Seminary in Guatemala City. Most meals will be prepared by the seminary staff. A few meals will be eaten out at restaurants as well. All in-country meals are included.


The Royal Servants blog ( will be our primary way of communicating to friends back home throughout the trip. The blog will also serve as a pre-trip bulletin board with various updates and helpful information. Check out the blog to see pictures from previous JCS mission trips and read stories of how God changed peoples lives.

What will we do:

1. Build relationships: Above everything else, we want to build relationships with people. This takes priority over all of our other goals because we recognize the eternal nature of relationships. Each day we’ll have time to hang out with people living in the slums. We might do this through sports, clinics, and/or feeding programs.

2. Be Christ: This involves an incarnational view of Christian missions. We will be extensions of the incarnation to those we encounter – we have God’s Spirit in us and we want to be Christ’s hands and feet for the world. Sharing Christ in this manner requires an active personal relationship with Christ. We can’t share what we don’t have.

3. Work: We will work and work hard to contribute as much as we can throughout week. Each participant will be expected to do their share as we assist Global Soccer Ministries with various development projects in and around their community.

4. Have fun: It is unavoidable to have fun on trips like these. Though it may not manifest itself in specific activities on our schedule, fun will be present. If you don’t like to have fun you may be disappointed. Fun takes many forms on these mission adventures, often in spontaneous and unpredictable ways.

Who are we working with?

Global Soccer Ministries International (GSM) Because of its global popularity, soccer is one of the greatest sports tools in the world to win the lost to Christ. GSM uniquely presents training sessions using scripture, prayer, the love of Christ and player-coach relationships to lead players to come to know Christ and deepen their faith. The respect that comes with great coaching opens the doors for GSM to identify and assist individuals within the community who have desperate needs both spiritually and physically.

Simply Missions is a division of Global Outreach Development, Inc. Simply Missions exists to provide short-term mission experiences that are simple, effective, and relational with an emphasis on developing leaders who will provide similar experiences.

If you have any questions please contact Joe Neill: (517) 917-0617

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