Friday, June 19, 2009

Student Perspective: Brittany

Hello everyone. First of all I want to say thanks to all of you who are praying for me and the team. God is working in amazing ways and He has shown me many things during the last 4 days.
The main thing Mr. Neill kept emphasizing to us during our team meetings was to not have any expectations for the trip. I thought that I didn’t really have any specific expectations other than what the house was going to be like and what the weather would be like. Someone asked me what my expectations were for the trip last night and I couldn’t really remember any specific ones. But today while I was painting with Rachael and thinking about the expectations thing and I realized that I really did have expectations. I thought that I would be able to make new friends to hang with right away. Whoever I sat on the plane with on the way to Jamaica would become the person I hang out with the most…but I ended up sitting with Sam who is already my good I didn’t really make any new friends. Then I figured that by the end of day two I would have a lot of friends and I’d be having a blast. In all honesty I didn’t make any new friends. I felt so lonely and I didn’t know why. Another one of my expectations was that I wouldn’t be homesick at all. I figured that I’d be so busy there was no chance I could get homesick. By the morning of day 2 I could barely keep from crying because I was so homesick. That night at the meeting I shared that I was homesick and found out that two other people were dealing with the same stuff as I am. Throughout that day God showed me that ‘I need Him every hour’ as the song says. So now I’m not lonely because I know that God is always with me. And I’ve made so many friends it’s crazy. I love you all so much and thanks again for the prayers!
Britt Johnson

1 comment:

Mr and Mrs Meade said...


Wow what a great post! It is amazing to hear how you were able to sort your feelings and fears and turn to God for direction!

Have a wonderful trip!


Mr and Mrs Meade