Sunday, June 21, 2009

Student Perspective: Brianna & Jadie

Hey Everyone! It’s Brianna and Jadie!!
We just got back from church and it was an amazing experience! It was cool to see that no matter where you are in the world, we all are worshipping the same God. So many people from the church gave testimonies of how Christ’s sacrifice changed their lives and how much they loved Him. We were both in awe of the presence of the Holy Spirit in this church.
On a less spiritual note, at the house there are four dogs – Hercules, Joy, Honey and Biscuit. Hercules, aka the Devil Dog, is a giant German Shepherd. He attacks people when they are having too much fun, but if things are boring, he just takes a nap. Joy, Hercules’ wife, is also a German Shepherd. She is much nicer and more pleasant to be around. Honey (rat or dog??? Still up for debate) is a small creature with stringy golden locks. And now last but certainly LEAST, Biscuit. Biscuit struggles with his appearance, and has low self-esteem (no thanks to us). Everyone hates Biscuit, except for Paige and Felix (the cutest kid at the house). Paige says he really is ugly but still cute. Felix says that even though he drinks dirty water you shouldn’t call him nasty. Biscuit desperately is in need of some major orthodontic work. His obvious underbite is extremely unattractive. When we get home, you all must see our impression of him, we are pretty good. When we pulled out for church this morning, we thought we hit him with the van, but to our disappointment it was only a rock.
We miss you all and can’t wait to come home, even though we are having tons of fun! Please keep praying for us as we survive the ugliness of Biscuit and the bite of Hercules. Thanks so much for everything! See you soon!
Love, Bri and Jadie
P.S. And Happy Father’s Day to all you awesome dads out there!!!! Love ya Bruce and Rajah!! 


Anonymous said...

Tks Bri for the Father's Day wish. It wasn't the same Fathers Day without you. I am glad to hear that church was good and that you are not on an animal shelter missions trip. Miss ya and can't wait to see you Wednesday.

Deaver said...

No, Jadie, you may not bring any animals home with you. (just heading off the inevitable) love you! Mom :)