Sunday, June 21, 2009

Leader Perspective: Sandy

Hello Everyone back home!!

We have been so busy and working so hard!! We have had very few injuries, a few cuts, scratches and bruises, so I guess Jacob Hendrick still holds the record for injuries! Some of the kids have been a bit homesick but have been able to talk it out and get hugs, all the kids are wonderful at building each other up. I am SO proud of each one of them for working so hard with joyful hearts and so willing to serve. In spite of the heat they continue to keep focused on the task at hand and find ways to make it fun! I can’t think of anything more beautiful then hearing them break out in song to God with all their hearts!! Their lives are a great testimony of all your work in raising them and the influence of JCS and their churches. It has been heart breaking to see some of the conditions that people live in and at the same time heartwarming to spend time talking with the people we have met. At the church service we went to today the people were so joyful and alive in their worship, it was cool to be a part of it!! We will see you soon! Thank you for allowing me to spend this time with your kids!

Sandy H

1 comment:

Kathe Meade said...


It was so fun to hear how things are going! I had to laugh at jacob Hendricks record! So glad no one has broke it...

Thankyou for taking such great care of our babies!

Love you!
