Saturday, June 20, 2009

Student Perspective: Becky

This trip has been unlike anything that I have ever done. I really didn’t like the plane ride it was stressful for me so when I got here in Jamaica I was all shook up then we all piled in a van and started our journey to the house. It was so exciting with jamacians beeping their squeaky horns, driving on the wrongs side of the road and car, the hot weather, and most of all the beaty of the land, so I soon forgot all of the anxiety that I had been feeling the last few days. My thoughts about what the trip would be like were very different to how they are now. Everybody is like my family and I have become closer with my friends and everyone. I learned something in these past few days that has helped me through what I have been struggling with for so long. I learned how to be at PEACE with situations and hardships. In the past six months my life has taken a turn that I thought would never happen that I thought at the beginning I couldn’t survive through. But God has been so gracious to me and He has shone me that even though I am hurting and still trying to work though this I can have peace because I know that He is right here beside me feeling what I am feeling and going though my trial by my side. Also FORGIVENESS I knew that I had forgiven this person but in reality what I really needed was to forgive myself and change my attitude that things happen in life that I have no control over and I love to be in control but I have learned that just because I cant fix something doesn’t make it happening my fault some time things come along that nobody sees happening and people get hurt lives change. I have also learned that some people take longer to heal than others and that I am on the longer side of that measure. On a lighter note I am having a blast and I love building this house it is so much work but watching the families face light up that we are building it for is worth every nasty ounce of energy that I have and it is worth getting up at six thirty for. The children all adore us and the attention that we have for them they are all so precious I don’t know how I am going to leave them. Tonight the weather is nice and we get stay up late! J pray for me as I am still working through this and also for the peoples hearts to just open up to us so that we can share with them about our God. Good Night to America! - Becky


Mr and Mrs Meade said...


What a great post. Sharing those feelings takes alot of courage. Can't wait till you are home and I get to hear more about your trip! Praying for you.

Love, Mr. and Mrs. Meade

Deaver said...

Hello Adopted Daughter! :) thank you for sharing, Beck. I, too, struggle with forgiving myself but I am beginning to see those times as opportunities to let God work in me. If I didn't sin, then what use would I have for Christ and His work on my behalf? Love you, Pumpkin ;) ~ Mrs. Deaver

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky Boo,

Giving up control and being at peace with where God has you and where He is taking you is a journey. The truth is, if you are among the poorest of the poor in a third world country or blessed to live in America you can have the peace that passes all understanding. Even when you are not in control:) It's amazing that you can be working hard many hours of the day and surrounded with people non stop and still God speaks to you in that still small, personal voice.
Love you - so glad to hear that God is working in your life. Keep giving to others, He will fill you up.

Love, Mama
PS Tell Papa Happy Fathers Day from John, Joe and I :)

Anonymous said...


I too, like you, are learning that I can have Christ's peace in the midst of trials and hardships...enduring things that I thought I would never go through. Sometimes the hurt and discouragement can be so great but when I turn to Him I am finding that His grace is sufficient. Praise God that He is teaching both of us that He is enough and to lean on Him!

Christ's peace is not a denial of the circumstances but instead a commitment to the fact that He is enough for your circumstances.

"O let my trembling soul be still, and wait Thy wise, Thy holy will! I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see, Yet all is well since ruled by Thee."

Love you,
Mrs. Williams