Thursday, June 18, 2009

Student Perspective: Alex

So for this trip I didn’t really know what to expect. Especially after staying up a complete 33 hours from home to here, I didn’t know what was going to happen! It wasn’t going so well with being overtired! I thought, yeah a missions trip that will be amazing, fun memories, working hard, and helping out a family. But no, it’s been a lot more than that. The people here are amazing, simply amazing. They are completely content with what they have, whether it is food for the day or a pair of clean clothes. It makes me feel so grateful for what I have. What I really wanted to learn over this trip was how to grow stronger with the Lord and trust in Him completely. A lot of things have happened to me, and I hope to go to God more than anyone else. On the first day Mr. Jim and Mr. Neill said okay, one more push and we are done for the day. Now bringing up these materials was like taking stones up a mountain (seeming impossible), but to get it done we all worked together and it was done before we knew it. Even those little words that were said made me think, okay Alex you can push through all these things, you have a team, God is your team mate. I may not do my devotions all the time or read my Bible, but these little devotionals that we have here are like light in a tunnel, they make you think. Doesn’t it seem so ironic that whatever you are going through somehow God shows you signs on how you can get through it? That is what is happening to me this week. I love helping these people; no words can describe it… Yes, I’m building a house for a family whose house burned down, but I’m also building great relationships with my friends, great relationships with my leaders, but most importantly my Christian walk and a stronger relationship with the Lord. Being here makes you realize how important some of your actions and words mean to people. Some of the things we joke about at home could mean a totally different thing here. You have to make sure you think before you speak, to be patient, another thing that God is challenging me with. All these things can not be put into words! But on the hard labor part, so far we’ve brought all the materials (EVERY kind of wood imaginable, ply-wood, metal sheeting, screws/nails, cement mix, paint/primer, equipment, gravel/sand) up a HUGE hill, built the walls, painted the walls, finished the front concrete patio, and started the roof structure. HARD WORK!!! But the best part is just talking to the people, seeing how they live, what they think about things. The kids are just…so fun, so adorable, and so HYPER! They love to play, color, and blow bubbles we know so far from today! That has to be one of the most unforgettable things I will remember about this trip. I can’t wait to see what else this trip has in store for me! Hopefully I’ll be writing more soon! –Alex

1 comment:

Mrs. Meade said...


Thanks for sharing so honestly how this trip has impacted you. You are a very special young lady. Don't ever forget that with God by your side you can do anything. I know there are somedays when we all feel alone, but...he is always by your side and learning to trust him is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself! I am SO proud of you!!!


Mrs. Meade the body art!!!