Saturday, June 20, 2009

Student Perspective: Alanna

Matthew 28: 19

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus was with his disciples for a long period of time, even in the last moments with Jesus there was worship and yet doubt. Jesus defeated hell and the grave; yet Jesus is not finished, he is still working every day. He is transforming the world… but how? Jesus is transforming this world through his followers/children. He is instructing his children to go and make disciples. Disciple: a student, Follower, and a learner who journeys with their instructor. Jesus wants us to make disciples, to make followers who are learning with us to love as Jesus loved by laying down our lives for him; a disciple never stops learning. The best way to make disciples is collectively (church) we are called collectively to show grace and hospitality no matter where you are and how you view the world they are all our brothers in Christ. For those who seek shall find so show grace, hospitality and tolerance.

(Just something that I was thinking about tonight)

Jamaica is a lot different than I thought it would be…. In some aspects. I knew that it would be hot and muggy and that every thing I would touch would totally stick to me. The cultural difference at least to me is intense. I love the people here and I love the work that I am doing. I have been able to help out in many ways; I can really feel Christ working through me. One thing I haven’t really enjoyed about being here is the food… I think every thing that I have been fed has chicken in it. Chicken neck stew, chicken foot stew, chicken hot dogs, oh and fish… L if any of you know me when it comes to chicken and fish I am a vegetarian. So I have been surviving on suckers and mints and if I am lucky I will get a corner piece of a pop tart that someone has smuggled in their bag. But other than that things are pretty neat I like learning new things about the culture here. I have had a lot of fun and made a lot of new friends… ha-ha I have also been spanked by Mrs. Hartman if you want to know why you will have to ask me when I get home! Ha ha. I have a lot of good stories that I want to share with everyone when I get home. Anyways please keep praying for everyone here that we will get the field work done and that everyone stays safe. Please pray that Jesus will work through us so that we may make disciples among these people. I miss and love you all. And believe it or not I am VERY homesick. I am very much looking forward to Wednesday. Mom, Dad when you pick me up I am expecting fast food and ice-cream when I get off the plane oh and NO chicken for a month please!!!!!!! Again I love ya!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are very proud of the work that you are doing. We know that God's hand is on all of you and that his Holy Spirit is doing wonderful works with and through all of you. We continue to pray for you daily.
Love Mom and Dad, Seth, Andrew, and Marisa.
p.s. Dad thinks we should stop at KFC when you get back. ha-ha