Sunday, June 21, 2009

Leader Perspective: Cheryl

Our time in Jamaica so far, this is the subject that Joe asked me to write about and as I think about this over all experience I am amazed at what God has shown me from the smallest detail to the great things he has been doing here. To come to a Tropical Island in the Atlantic and experience the same God we experience in our own city is really special, the people here live lives completely out of our understanding, very simple lifestyles, yet they are content with all they have. We have had an opportunity to build a home for a couple that lost theirs in a fire along with all of their belongings they come up the hill to the Jungle area that we are building on and watch and smile at their new home, it is a great blessing to serve this couple by building them a new home, they are extremely grateful for the workers here. Its also really great to work alongside Jackson Christian kids doing hard work in hot humid conditions and not hear complaints but praise songs as they work and laughter. Everyone by now knows where we are needed on the project and we seem to work together like clockwork. Today was a really special time for me, we had an opportunity to visit a Jamaican Church service we arrived at noon the service had already been underway for a while it was a tiny building with wooden pews and no air conditioning we went in and found seating we actually doubled the size of the congregation! A local lady was reading scripture she had struggled with a few words and as a few members of the church corrected her she continued on with out any embarrassment worshiping God. The service was simple and we felt Gods presence in the service and saw the love of Christ in these church members. Going on a mission trip I often thought in the back of my head the idea was to go share Christ with these people, Christ is already here we are here to share Christ’s love by serving. Being part of this group is a huge blessing devotional time in the evening brings so many different thoughts from each person sharing their experience from the day. God is using each one of us to be an encouragement to the other in so many ways for that I am really thankful. Please continue to pray for us as our time here winds down this is bitter sweet as it will be good to come home to our homes and comforts yet it is hard to leave these people we have been with for the last 6 days and break the group up. Happy Fathers Day to all


Lori Davis said...

Cheryl, Sandy, and the rest of the leaders,
Thank you so very much for giving of your time for this trip. It is very comforting to know that you are there with with the team. I am looking forward to seeing you all again in a few days. I am praying for all of you daily.

Love and God Bless,


Glyn said...

been praying loads for you all - gald to hear and see part of what is happening - you and Cliff are such commited servants - thanks
see you soon