Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Getting Here, Getting Settled

It was great to see the whole team today at the airport in Montego Bay. They all arrived just in time for a heavy afternoon rain. We grabbed lunch at Burger King overlooking the bay, then we took the long trek over the mountains to the south shore. There was work to do even before we unloaded the luggage. We drove straight to the work site in order to unload a shipping container filled with materials to build two houses! Once we all got it unloaded we headed to "My Father's House", unpacked, and grabbed dinner. Later kids went swimming, and now the house is quiet. I think they are all pretty tired. Breakfast is at 6:30, then we have lot's of work to do. I'll try to keep you posted as we go.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great start to the trip. We will be praying for the rain to hold off! Love you all!

Lori D.

Dave and Kathe Meade said...

Thanks for the update! The kids all look refreshed and ready to work! We will be praying for good weather and safe work enviroment tomorrow.

God Bless

Dave and Kathe Meade

ps...Tell Patch mom and dad said hi and we love him!

Deaver said...

So...forgot to mention, JD isnt alive at 6:30 in the morning. So have fun trying to wake her up! ha Hope you guys are having fun
Lov ur lil sis, Lyvi

Marshall MI said...

Please say hello to Sean from Aunt Marsha & Uncle Johnny. Hope you all have a great trip and many lasting memories of your time helping others. Note from Uncle Johnny to Sean - there will be work at Grandma's when you get home and drink plenty of water. WE LOVE YOU!

DEVINE21 said...