Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 5 Recap (in pictures with captions)

Above: Solomon teaches the girls how to make "table mats" (we would call them hot pads). They are cool.
Below: Rachael reads her devotional at the poolside.

Above: Chris ponders the cards on the table.
Below: Kasey finds a few minutes to read after a long day of work.

Above: The guys chill at the table before dinner.
Below: Jadie, Brianna, & Bron hang out on the roof for fun.


Roger/Dad said...

Can someone give my girls a hug? We miss you, Jade & Kass. Remember what 1 Thess. 4:3 says about God's will and keep on bein' holy :)!

Beckey said...

wow! you guys did an awesome job on the house!!! we are praying for you all, missing bron!!! and loving all the pictures and journal entries. Keep up the great work! bron, did you find a little sister yet? the field devos are excellent - we are praying that God uses them in your lives as he has used them in ours.

Kathe and Dave said...

Good job! What a great use of your first 5 days! The progress is amazing. Keep up the good work. Miss you Patch!

Teresa and William said...

Good job guys! The house looks really good. We love you so much and are so proud of you. Keep up the good work, Brittnie. Hugs and kisses from Heather, Annah, Adam, Ethan, Dad and Mom. And of course Shiloh. Annah says she misses your little sneeze and Ethan says he loves u.

sophiesgrandma said...

Aunt Terri says hi to Jadie and Kassidy. You two will come back with much to tell! Keep praising God!