Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 3 Recap

Today started at 6:30 again. This time, the group struggled to get to breakfast on time. After breakfast all the choir kids went to a local public school and sang some of their choir songs and gave a few testimonies. The rest of the team headed back up the hill to get to work on the house. We took a mid morning break for some saltfish cakes and juice.

Today we finished all the exterior siding, painted the exterior siding, primed and painted trim boards, prepped the front porch for cement, played with the school kids, and much more.

When ladders weren't available, people got creative in order to get the work done.
We did stop for lunch. On today's menu: Chicken Foot Soup! (And yes, that really is a chicken foot.)

It was another busy day and we worked as hard as we could until the rain hit, and it really hit. We all got soaked cleaning up the tools. It passed within an hour or two but we were pretty much done for the day. Once the storm quit, kids were quick to find time to relax in the pool. Tomorrow we hope to put on the roof. Keep praying for good weather.


Anonymous said...

How are you enjoying the food Alanna? We love you and are praying for you and the team, keep up the good work. Love, Mr. & Mrs. T. (mom and dad)

Anonymous said...


dave and kathe meade said...

Chicken foot there is a culinary experience. I alway wondered what they did with the beaks and feet!

Cant wait to hear about the food on the trip, it sounds like the beginning for a fear factor show!