Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day Three

Wednesday was an awesome day! We went to two different schools. I love spending time with the kids! They’re so much fun. On our way home from the schools we stopped at a river, and it was so beautiful. When we got home we worked really hard. As hard and frustrating as is was we had so much fun doing it, and we accomplished so much! It’s been a great first 3 days, and I can’t wait to see what else we do throughout the week!
~ Kasey

I had an amazing day Wednesday! We went to two schools and Bones did his magic tricks and a few people gave their testimonies. The kids really seemed to enjoy it and hopefully our witness changed their lives. Hanging out with the kids is so much fun. It is so amazing when you talk to them in Spanish and start playing games with them and they understand you. We have made so many new friends. After we returned from the schools, we did some projects. I will admit that I was scared to death of the hard work and working with people I barely knew, but I had a blast!! I have made so many new friends and it was amazing serving the Lord by scrubbing roofs for a few hours. I am having an amazing time and God is teaching me so much. I miss you guys and I am praying for you! God bless!
~ Alyssa

We started off Wednesday by going to 2 schools, a bilingual and a Spanish school. It was quite fun, Hendrick did his magic and a few people gave their testimonies. You can never tell if the kids are getting anything out of it or not, but even if they looked like they weren’t listening, they may have got something out of it. And if one person got something out of it, it’s worth it for me, because they will share what they heard. The work projects were a little bit tougher than Tuesday. I think that was because we were all tired, but we still got a lot done. The view is awesome behind our cabin, I wish you guys could see it, and at night you can see so many stars, it’s amazing what God created. Traffic laws are more suggestions than rules here, which makes things interesting, but fun at the same time. Well to wrap things up, I’m having a wicked sweet week and I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
~ Sammy P.


Anonymous said...

It is such a blessing to hear how the Lord is using you - and changing you! Your "adventures" are just awesome to read. You are covered in prayer. Hi Ken and Alyssa - I love and miss u!
Carol :)

Kaseys Mom said...

It is so much fun to read all you are learning and doing...I'm sure it must be a real blessing to work with kids who are "happy in all things" and just want your love and attention!!!! Keep up the good work...Thinking and praying for all of you. Amy

David Parham said...

It sounds like God is working through you and in you. I'm excited to hear all your stories of how God worked on this trip. Hi Sammy P. I'm praying for you and I miss you and love you.