Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 6 - Saturday

Hey everyone back at home!
So far it’s been an amazing trip. It’s been a lot of fun getting to know the people in the group that I didn’t even really talk to at school, but now I’m hanging out with them all the time. Well, today the group went on a walk to Los Corrales (which was about a 15 min walk). Jake H did his magic tricks again which every time the kids always love and we also did crafts and balloon swords. I helped with the craft for a little but I soon got pulled always by a little kid who was poking me with a sword. As I was playing with the kids there was a little boy sitting by himself and I said hola to him but he didn’t say anything. And all of a sudden a little girl came up to him and gave him her sword. The little boy all of a sudden had the hugest smile on his face. When the little girl did this it reminded me of when Jesus comes into your heart. You’re all sad and lonely, when everyone else is happy around you and you want that special thing that makes them happy. Once you receive that special thing which in this case was that little boy receiving that sword, you are happy and have gone from bad to best in just a second. Well, the little boy ran off and started playing with the other kids b/c he had the same thing as they did.
Also, at the community we were at there was this girl I ended up holding till we left. It’s amazing how that can have so much fun with just a balloon and back home Americans have to have so many things. Well, the little girl (Catlin I believe her name was or something like it) went around attacking people from JCS. I loved holding her and causing trouble with her because she loved causing trouble just like meJ I would say “alli” (which means there) and then her hitting people with balloon swords and she never would hit me while I was holding her. It end up being her birthday and she turned 5 today. So today was an amazing day just all the other days and it’s all going by so fast.
Signing out and member of Team Mango,
Emily Bowman

I don’t know where to start so I guess I’ll start with today. We walked to Los Corrales to spend time with the local kids there. Playing with them is such an amazing experience. Even though we don’t speak the same language we can still communicate with smiles, hugs. There was one little boy that I had so much fun playing with. I don’t know his name but I will never forget his face. I’m so thankful we have this opportunity to show these kids a little bit of God’s love.
On a different note, getting to known all the team members and spending time with them is an aspect of the trip that I have really enjoyed. One day when we were working on the roof, Brent, Em, Mer, Alyssa, me, and Coach Knight decided to form Team Mango. We even have a secret handshake. At school, I might say hi to some of the people on the missions team but here it feels almost like a family. I believe God has given us unity so that we can accomplish His work here.
Adios amigos! Abbey Barney


Anonymous said...

So exciting to hear all of the awesome testimonies from the team. Abs, everyone at home misses you, especially Ned. He had to curl up with Dad last night during a thunderstorm:) Can't wait to hear more when you come home on Tuesday.

Luv ya,
mom, dad, nick, angie, and jake

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are having a great time. The boys do miss you but I took them some nip on Friday so they could drowned their sorrows and forget how much they miss their Abbey. See you Wednesday.
love aunt jean