Friday, June 13, 2008

Day Five - Leader's Perspective

We continue to have internet difficulties but a theme on this trip seems to be "overcoming obstacles". I made a special trip into town this afternoon in order to post yesterday's (Thursday) recap from a wireless cafe. The connection is not strong enough for me to upload the 40 pictures that I spent most of the day selecting and formatting for the internet. That is an obstacle I have not yet figured out how to overcome. But... give me time.
I really wanted to be able to show you all the smiling faces of these wonderful students that have joined me on this trip. For now you'll have to just trust me that they are smiling and that God is really doing a work in their lives.
I could have had every student share about the impact that last evening had on all of them. I wish you could have sat in the circle with us as we discussed the day. So many of them shared stories of interactions with kids from the community that have the potential for being truly life changing. I only had time to get two of them recorded for you here.
As I type this the team is back at the base doing ministry with kids from the local community. Earlier many of our students went out into the local neighborhoods to invite kids to come to the center where we have crafts and games for the them. I am excited to hear how God will use those interactions in the hearts of these kids (both ours and the DR kids).
Well... time is short. I must get back to the base. Sorry again that there are no pictures.
Keep praying!
mr. n

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