Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 8 - Monday

So yesterday was an amazing day. We started the day off with driving up the mountains towards the waterfall that we were going to hike down to. The hike was about 800 feet from the top until you reached the waterfall, it was all down hill on the way there, which means we eventually had to hike uphill 800 feet, that wasn’t fun. But anyway, the waterfall was gorgeous. Something that Coach G said when we got to there, and I’ll never forget, “How can people think this comes from evolution?” It was so true, it’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen before. While we were at the waterfall, everyone was climbing all over the rocks and having an amazing time, until the hike back up mountain. It was probably the worst physical thing I’ve ever done. It was worse than basketball conditioning, and that’s hard to beat. It was such a good feeling when I reached the top though, it was almost like I had a huge level of accomplishment. After a couple hours of free time, we all got ready for church. We went to a full out Spanish church, we barely understood anything. It was such a cool experience though. People at the church weren’t scared to show how the spirit was moving them. Singing was my favorite because I could read Spanish. And they had the words put up on the board for us. It was fun to jump around and clap with them! When we got back from church we had dinner and than we had our last meeting. It was an awards meeting. I got the award of encouragement. I don’t really understand why though, I’ve probably complained the most out of everyone on this trip. It was so cool though because people would say why they like each other and why they appreciate each other. It was good for some people to get some encouragement, it is the last couple days of the trip and everyone is getting homesick and irritated with each other. It was an all around amazing day. I’ll never forget this team!!!!!

~ Steph

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