Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 7 - Sunday

I’m writing my blog on the last full day here in Jarabacoa. Were hiking to a waterfall then going to church at 4 o’clock. Nothing has really happened this morning except breakfast so I will write about my favorite experience here so far. On one of our many excursions out in the community we stopped to play at this red clay field and to give away balloon animals and sombreros. At first Brianna and I were playing jump rope with one little girl and then a mob of about 20 little girls joined us. There is nothing in the world like 20 girls screaming in Spanish to one another. It is udder chaos. I felt a tug on my shorts and I turned to see the cutest little girl standing behind me. She rattled something off in Spanish and I had Sheryl (the director’s wife) translate. She wanted me to chase her. After about 15 minutes of chasing this little girl in front of all these Dominican guys I might add. I told her I was tired. Since I wasn’t chasing anymore and I asked “Como se llama?” For those of you who don’t speak Spanish I asked what is your name. She answered Escalina. She held her arms up to me and I picked her up and she just laid her head on my shoulder. When I held her I was thinking, Wow I might be the only person who will show her love this week. She then rattled off something again. Sheryl translated again and this time I almost cried. She said “Can I keep her?” She wanted to take me home with her. This made me feel so incredibly special. I couldn’t even communicate with her and we formed such a special bond that I will never forget her face or the time we shared. There is the old cliché actions speak louder then words, and we as Christians know this is true. God has taught me so much that I can’t even describe what I am feeling. This has been such an amazing trip.

Dad if you are reading this Happy Father’s Day and I love you so much (you to Mom)!

Were about to leave so I’m signing off. . .Taylor White

P.S. Did anyone know that Mr. Neil can do “The Worm” and Dolphin tricks, well I do now!

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