Friday, June 20, 2008

A Post-Trip Reflection

This trip was amazing, and while we were there I couldn’t stop thinking about how for a moment in time our life stories intersected with the life stories of the people in DR. It is amazing to ponder the possibilities of that. Our lives overlapped for maybe a moment, or a while, or even a week…..what will God do with that? After coming in contact with these people, our lives have become forever changed and I believe that their lives are too. I pray that somehow God will use that moment when our lives intersected to leave lasting positive change, and that somehow it made as much of a difference in them as it did in us. We may never know. I do know that I am much more aware now that the way I live my life can greatly affect others when God allows my story to intersect with theirs which happens all the time. It’s exciting to think about how we all get to be part of the greatest story of all; God’s. How will he use us, where will he take us, and who will we meet? What an amazing adventure……….are you ready?

Ken Potter

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