Thursday, June 12, 2008

Leader's Perspective - Day 4

(Note: Now that we are back home I have been able to add photos)

Hello Everyone,

I apologize that these updates have been so late. The internet connection on the other side of town (where the base is located) was somehow cut earlier in the week and we were informed that it may be some time before it is restored. But, I am happy to be here in an internet cafe in Jarabacoa typing this message to you all. The students are currently on a ministry outing this evening in a small community about 30 minutes from the base. Ken Potter took the reigns of leadership for the evening so that I could come into town to update the blog. I wish that I could upload pictures for you but I am not able to at this time.

Even though we have been without an internet connection, I have still been able to get some testimonies from the students and leaders. You will find them posted below. These are just a few thoughts from a few of the kids. I hope to give everyone a chance to write something, but if they don't all get a chance, know that they are all doing well and having a great time. Our hosts have had created a great balance between work projects, ministry, and fun. Every day there is something new and something to look forward to. There really is too much to tell you about.

From a leaders perspective, I am extremely pleased with the attitudes and hard work being displayed by these kids. You would all be proud of them. The leaders are doing great also. Mrs. Meade is careful about encouraging hydration and serves as the "trip mom". Mrs. Hartman is our resident nurse tending to all minor cuts and scrapes that happen along the way. Mr. Meade is always hard at work and also serves as our videographer (I think he has alreday used three tapes!). Pastor Knight has been a great encourager of the students, his relational foundation with many of them is a great asset. And then there's Ken... All I can say is that he is ready to lead a trip on his own.

Tomorrow is a full day of work followed by ministry at the Base with kids from the local community. Thank you all for your prayers and comments (and for your patience as I looked for a way to get these posts up). Keep praying for us as we work and minister in this country. And pray also for the work that God is doing in our hearts as we focus on the theme of "Surrender".
- Mr. N


Anonymous said...

It is great to hear how everyone is doing. Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I admire each of your for leaving your comfort zone and serving God this way. Glyn...are you surviving without your diet coke(or did you bring along a secret stash)???

Mrs. Griffis

marci said...

Mr. Neill, Thank you and the other adult leaders for sacrificing time, comfort,energy, and expenses for taking our kids on this trip. My husband and I are so thankful to have other godly adults involved in our children's lives encouraging them spiritually. Thank you! Marci