Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 5 - Friday

It is hard to believe that this is already the 5th day of our trip. In some ways it seems like we were boarding the plane just yesterday; but in other ways, it seems so normal to be here. I’m missing my family very much. Hope you all are doing well.
God is so awesome. I’m just trying to absorb as much as I can while I’m here. Everyone on the team has worked so hard. I feel so blessed to be with each and every team member. We all did various work around the base this morning. My group mixed cement. Some of the guys took on digging ditches, while a different group went back onto the roofs to paint a second coat. Later this afternoon we ministered to children at the base. A group went out and invited people and then we made crafts with the kids and played around. Jake H. also performed his magic tricks again (which are always a big hit with the kids).
I find these children so easy to love. I enjoy them so much. They are so accepting of us. For instance, today I helped a little girl with her craft and then she went on her way and played around on the basketball court. Then all of a sudden she ran back towards me and leapt into my arms and gave me a big kiss on the cheek, which actually made me fall backwards. It was so funny. Then she was off and playing again. Right after she left, the girl I had been talking to gave me a huge hug around my neck and I just held her for several minutes. It was very special. I hate to have to say goodbye to them every day.
Today we also learned a little bit about the history of Dominican Republic from Brian (the director). It was so cool to here him speak about the Dominican and Haiti with such passion. He has such awesome wishes for this island. It was a really cool time to just listen while he explained some of the history and culture. God is using this base in the Dominican to reach people in China, Brazil, Haiti, etc. Anyways it’s been another great day. I can honestly say that I have loved every day that I have been here. I’ve had so many different experiences and learned some very different lessons. God is definitely using this trip to remind me how much I need/want to follow Him the rest of my life and I want to use myself as God’s tool in any way that I can.
Adios por ahora

P.S. Wow! We had a crazy ending to our night. Never let Christians loose late at night with bongo drums. It’s a hilarious combination. Ha ha the rest you will have to ask about when we get home.

Many of us have had a moment so far this week where they have had a God-sighting or realized something about themselves. Mine occurred today while some of us were hand-washing some clothes. Kelly made a comment that really struck me. She said, “Thank God for washing machines!” That remark got me to thinking about how there are so many things that I use without thinking about how many people don’t have that luxury. I usually just throw my clothes in the clothes hamper and know that they will be washed by an easy-to-use, very convenient washing machine. It was great to be able to catch a glimpse of life in someone else’s shoes. Adios! –Josie J


Anonymous said...

Jacob and Josie,
Your great grandma and I prayed for you and the team yesterday during our devotions together. Your grandma also asked how things were going. You know that your grandparents and parents are praying for you and miss you (especially your mom)! We will miss you at the cookout tonight at "the pit", but you are already having enough fun there. You are loved.
Theresa Hendrick

Anonymous said...

Merry, just wondering, was that "hilarious" or "hilarrrious?"

Jake H