Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day Four

Hello, it’s Jake Fox and Brent. Yesterday was the toughest day so far. We went running at 6 am with a couple of the staff members. It was challenging with all the hills and elevation changes. We then had to start working after breakfast. Brent had to use the power washer on the roof and Jake dug some stones and gravel to make way for the cement. It was a hot day too. We also went to a couple of schools, one of which was English speaking, and shared our testimonies. We had a good night sleep last night; it gets cool at night, that’s a plus.
We got up and had French toast for breakfast. We went to work right after that. Brent went to town to get bricks and found out how they make them. Jake started painting the roofs and later went to town and bought a knife from the hardware store, Brent is going to buy one later. Brent was power washing another roof till lunch, which just got over. See ya later it is time to swim.
~ Jacob Fox & Brent Malone

Hi, I’m Glyn - here’s what I’ve been up to and seen since we arrived. The students and leaders are doing an amazing job - working so hard and serving God so faithfully, even though it’s really hot. We’ve had the chance to share in a number of schools through a magic show by Jacob H - he’s does such a good job and several of the students also share testimonies - it was so cool to hear my daughter Bron share. (Beckey she did great job - ps love u and miss u)
So our time is split between work projects and schools / evangelism ministry. But for me the lasting memory will be the people and their lives. They are seeking to find purpose and meaning like the rest of us, they are just further challenged because of the tough financial and living situations. Some of the homes that I’ve seen most of us wouldn’t consider suitable to store our lawn equipment in, yet a family calls that home. But more than financial needs are the obvious spiritual needs that are equally evident, every body doing their own thing trying to fill a void and purpose only God can. I don’t think I will ever be the same again following this trip. In closing if you’re reading this as a parent or a spouse I want to encourage you that your family member is doing an amazing job, God is using them and they are encouraging others.
~ Glyn Knight


Julie said...

Jake and Brent - -

Keep up the good work! We are proud of you. We are praying that your actions, words and love will be bountiful blessings on those you come in contact with this week. We miss you and love you! Give yourselves and Josie a squeeze from us!

Jake, your mom says Tucker is missing you and Josie!

Brent's Parents
Jake & Josie's Parents
and NICOLE!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Glynster and Bron
Its Chris (your brother) just read through the blog(s) and am really proud of you both (and the rest of course!) I'm in England and have just got in from work and enjoyed reading about your progress. Bless you all and pray it's goes with his plan!!