Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 6 - Leaders Perspective

Aside from a few computer setbacks, I´d say things are going great (the base internet is still not working). As you can see from the testimonies of these students, God continues to be at work in their lives. I am trying to get each of the kids to write a paragraph for me to publish here, so hopefully you will hear something from everyone by the end of the week. I have to steal them away from their fun to get them to sit at my computer and reflect about their day.

Today we are winding down our last day of work, and unfortunatley it is raining. The team will come into town this evening for a chicken dinner and maybe ice cream again. Woo Hoo! Tomorrow we will hike to a waterfall (some say it is the waterfall from jurassic park), and we will attend church in the afternoon. It is hard to believe that our work here is begining to wind down. It has been such a great week. As always, I thank you for your prayers and for your part in making this trip a success.

God`s peace,


Anonymous said...

Mr. Neill,
I have been enjoying the devotionals you prepared for the team. Wow, they are awesome. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you and for the time and effort you put in to making this mission trip such a great experience. I love being able to read about your experiences. It is a blessing to us parents!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the last comment was posted by Theresa Hendrick

Tracy Williams said...

Mr. Neill,

I wanted to say thank you for organizing another missions trip for the students to participate in. Your service in doing so is invaluable. Thank you also to the other leaders who have used their time and resources to go. As a parent it is so reassuring to know that your child is in the care of such Godly and caring adults. Thank you to all of you.

I have been touched and moved by the writings and pray that God has worked in each individual life in a special way. I pray that it will not soon be forgotten but embedded on each of your hearts and that you will be forever changed so that you may come home and continue His work and use what He has taught you and shown you for His glory.

Praying for your safe return. Can't wait to see everyone.

Mrs. Williams


We love and miss you! It is really hard being the only girl in the house! I miss our talks! Your room is still clean though! :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for going to such great lengths to keep communicating with us! It sounds as though God is truly working in and through all of you! I too have been enjoying the devotions Mr. N has prepared. We are praying for you all, even little Joshua is praying for you guys!
Beckey Knight
Glyn & Bron -
Miss you soooo much! everything here is great! Luke and I haven't done anything non intelligent yet!
Glyn Happy Father's day to you and all the dad's there on the trip!
love, Bex

Anonymous said...

It has been encouraging to read your testimonies and see what God is doing in your lives. I can't wait to hear more about the trip once you are back home.

Praying for your safe return,

Mrs. G

Anonymous said...

We thank God for this opportunity and privilege He has given each of you to serve. Thank you leaders for assisting on this mission trip and for helping to make it successful and memorable. We appreciate your sacrifice of time to go and for doing for the Lord. Brian and I wish we were there. We are proud of you students for sacrificing your time to minister to others in this way. Thanks for using your talents and abilities for the Lord. We have enjoyed reading your testimonies of your experiences. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Jacob, we are proud of you and look forward to hearing you excitedly talk nonstop for at least an hour when you get back! God bless each of you!

Jacob's mom for us both

Anonymous said...

I haven't looked through this whole blog yet, but I do know missions trips are always good. So much is learned through experience lives are changed. Thank you Mr. Neill, JCS, parents and students for seeing this as a priority. God is good to us!