Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Costa Rica: Day 3

Today we split into two teams in order to make sure we could all stay busy working. One group returned to Las Tablas to continue working on the community center and to play some soccer with the little ones there. The other group stayed back here at the YWAM base and worked on various projects. Here are some more thoughts from the students...

Hello all. First, I would just like to say that this trip has gone so much better than what I expected. I got some time to think today which was exactly what I needed to do, my head has been so crammed with stuff that i just needed to sit and think. I thought mainly about the whole situation in Las Tablas. The local pastor is virtually the mayor of the city. She takes care of all those people, all the time. Just seeing the relief on her face when she saw that we were really helping to take care of the city. I am sure she gets a lot of help from the YWAM staff, but she was extremely happy to see us working. The pastor is an amazing women, she put all her faith on God to provide for her. You know what, it worked. Her church is a two-story building with an operating kitchen that feeds the children in the area. I thought hard on that concept and I realized that these people are so focused on their faith, that nothing can get in the way of that. An example is two young men on this base that could easily play professional soccer, and be very good at it, but they gave it up to serve God. That really changed my focus. God is doing great things here. Please pray for me and the whole group.
~ Patrick Meade

Hey all, Just a quick update on what’s been going on during this awesome trip. God is good. So far, the trip has been incredible. The first few days were great, and today was a hard day but I really felt like I was accomplishing something.
achel and I were working buddies today. J We started off the day “plaining” wood (leveling) and got through a big stack of short wooden planks. I was so happy that we got through the whole stack, because it wasn’t the easiest task.
After we finished that, Rach and I went with Giacomo and took about 50 chairs from one house to the newest purchased YWAM house. Once we were there we unloaded the chairs and helped clear and clean out one of the rooms so that it can be a school room. A girl named Annabelle helped us when we were there and she said there will be about 10 students who attend that little class.
Annabelle was so sweet. While cleaning the room we kept seeing a little mouse run around, but Rachel and I were strong and didn’t scream. J Then Annabelle found two mice when we were emptying the trash and we all just started screaming. It was funny.
Once we finished that we came back to the base for lunch and had yummy chop suey. After lunch Rachel, Jake Fox, and myself were sanding buddies. We sanded and “plained” until about 3:30. So it was a very busy day and I didn’t get to see very many other team members throughout the day. It was interesting to ask everybody else how their day went. I just love it here. All I can say is wow! God is amazing.
~ Merry

1 comment:

Tracy Williams said...

Hi Royal Servants,

It sounds like you are all continuing to work really hard and that God is making impressions on each of you in different ways.

I wanted to send you a short note of encouragement as you approach the mid -point of this trip. Should you start to feel weary and tired from your labors, remember this...

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

"It is better to wear out than to rust out." (Bishop Richard Cumberland)

In Him,

Tracy Williams