Sunday, June 17, 2007

Costa Rica: Day 7

This was our last day here and it was a really great day. I thought on this last day I'd give a few of the volunteer leaders an opportunity to share their perspective. So here are their thoughts...

Well hello there!

I have to say I am not ready to leave Costa Rica behind yet. It seems like there is still so much work that we could do here. However, God was served in many different ways through the uniqueness of the people that came together on this trip. I hope that all of the participants in this trip realize the significant contribution that they made to our team and at the places we served.

Without athletes, we would not have inspired anyone to come out of their homes to play soccer with us. Without guys and girls who are strong and willing to work hard and get dirty there would have been no one to swing the sledge hammers and picks at Las Tablas. True servants repeatedly spent hours in the kitchens washing dishes at our mission base as well as at our work sites. Some were blessed with the ability to play and minister to children. Others had the heart to collect money for Bibles at the church that been praying for such a donation for years.

As we get ready to leave Costa Rica it is my prayer that everyone remember that they have unique gifts and abilities and an obligation to use them for service. I pray that we all continue to seek new areas in which to serve Christ at home as well as abroad. I pray that we will cultivate new skills so that we can feel confident in our purpose in the body of Christ.

Personally, I am planning on continuing my study of Spanish and calling Habitat for Humanity to pick up some basic construction skills to prepare for future trips and opportunities ......anyone care to join me?

With gratitude,
~ Emilee Losey

A Father's Day Reflection

As a father, I know that we want our kids to become beautiful reflections of Christ in this world. Parents be assured that these kids are becoming just that. They have exceptional compassion and love. they are unselfish and not afraid to express their faith which is true and real.

I came on this trip as a leader, but in many ways every one of these kids is a leader. When there is a task to be done they quickly step forward, when something is required of them they organize themselves and get it accomplished. I am truly humbled and privileged to be a part of this amazing team. Parents, I can't put into words what a joy it has been to spend this week with these young people. They are adding beauty to an otherwise dark and ugly world.

Today was Father's Day and I miss my daughter (who wasn't able to join us this year), but I got to spend the day worshiping and hanging out with 13 wonderful kids; God is good.

After reflecting on our time in Cost Rica, I see that is a place where there is great beauty but also areas of great ugliness. The things that man has made get run down and can look very ugly, but the things God has made like the mountains, vegetation, and animals are strikingly beautiful.
What a great life lesson!
Plants seem to grow everywhere here and they grow large and beautiful; I suppose it is from all the rain. We too have experienced much growth and sometimes it has come fast and hard like the rain, but it has been very good!

(So to borrow from Mr. Neill's awesome metaphor)

It sometimes rained hard in Costa Rica.......

But beauty sprang forth!
~ Ken Potter

Today was a wonderful day. We went to a Columbian Church walking distance from the base. The praise and worship was so uplifting and spiritual. It was interesting that even thought the service was in Spanish, and most of us could only make out a few of the words, there was unity. We were moved by the music and the love of Christ that was shared there.

As we were leaving the church and I looked at our group of students I was struck with a feeling of peace and incredible pride knowing that these kids are going to be our future. That the young men and young women in our group are spiritual leaders,polite, compasionate, loving and on fire for the Lord. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of pride and excitement to know that our team was going back to the States to spread Gods word. My prayer for them is that they remember how important having Christ in their lives is and the impact they can make on others. Each one of them brings unity to our group. I could not imagine not having each of them here.

Mr. Meade and I spent time last night thinking about each of them and praying for them. We talked about how each of them is gifted in so many ways and the memories that we have will be with us forever. This trip was a life changing trip for us. God is awesome, and he has blessed us. We would like to especially thank Mr. Neill for his leadership. Mr. Neill is gifted as a spiritual leader for our team. We are very blessed to have him at JCS and in our kids lives. Mr. Neill worked with our team all week providing them with many things to think about and sort through for their spiritual and personal growth. The devotionals were perfect. By Gods grace Mr. Neill has a true gift as a teacher and a spiritual leader.

As we return home tomorrow we leave a little of ourselves in Costa Rica. Mr. Neill has asked us everyday how we have received and given love. This team has spread so much of themselves here. Some of our favorite memories of each member of our team is:

Amanda: Amanda has a kind passionate heart for the children. You could see God at work as she held the little ones. Our favorite memory of her is holding Kevin, a baby at Las Tables. The look in her eye was one of pure love for that little boy!

Rachel: Rachel was our Cheerleader of the group. We will never forget her on the play ground doing splits and cartwheels for the kids watching in amazement. Yes boys.. we can use cheer leading in ministry!

Shanel: Shanel is so sincere. Shannel met a little girl Jenifer and braided her hair. The impact she had on Jenifer will be with her forever.

Kristin: Kristin is a hard worker and not afraid on anything. Our favorite memory of her is when we were in Las Tablas and she was swinging the huge hammer that was 1/2 her size!

Brandi: Brandi was our group cuddler. Kathe told her tonight she is going to miss her hugs and smile!

Merideth: Merideth is so quiet, but has a lot to say. Merideth was also amazing with the kids. Even tonight as we wait for dinner she is in the back yard blowing bubbles with the directors kids.

Kasey: Kasey is so much fun! You always know when she is in the group. The first day at Las Tablas when she was SO MUDDY! She is not afraid of hard work and is a true leader.

Kelly: Kelly is so sweet and kind. Kathe's favorite memory of her is at night sitting on her bunk listening to the boys next door being goofy. Kristin and Kelly had a lot of fun!

Jacob Hendrick: Bones...what an impressive young man. There were times when he surprised us with his words of wisdom. We will never forget when we went to the Bible store. Jacob was so excited about what we were doing!

Josh: Josh has so much compassion and we saw that all week. The children loved him. Our avorite memory of him was when he was working with the children. Here was this young man with a beard on the floor playing and giggling with children, not understanding anything they were saying, but still understanding that all they wanted was his love that he freely gave.

Patrick: Going on this trip with our son was a gift from God. Spending this time wrapped around Gods love with Patrick was amazing. The memories we built as a family are lifelong. We are proud to be Patrick's parents.

Kyle: It is going to be sad to see Kyle go off to college and not be at JCS anymore. (We'll have to send goody packages Kyle!) Kyle is a true leader and the spokesman for the teens. Kyle playing soccer was so much fun. To see him use his skills as a ministry was great!

Jacob Fox: Every group needs a Jacob. The comic relief of the group! Jacob could take any tense moment and lighten it up with his songs, quotes and silliness. Our favorite memory of Jacob is in the van on trips...he had us laughing all the time!

Our other leaders: Rob, Deena, Ken and Emily. They all were amazing too! God Bless all of you and your families. Thank you for sharing a precious part of your family with us this week. Off to hot showers we all go!

In Christ,
~ Dave and Kathe Meade

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