Saturday, June 16, 2007

Costa Rica: Day 6

Wow....thats about all i can say. Today we went to a volcano! It was amazing! It took a year and a half to get there, the roads made some people car sick, and because of the altitude, hiking up the hill made you out of breathe fast, but HEY! it was all worth it!!! Well on a serious note, its amazing to see what our God can create! The volcano was huge, and it was steaming. I would describe it more, but everybody knows what a volcano looks like, so I'm not going to. So anyway, it was really cool. Not only was the volcano cool, but it was amazing to see how high up we were. We were so high that we were looking down at the clouds! It was so beautiful! I think today was a awesome day! I cant wait to see what tomorrow holds! P.S. Don't worry Mr. + Mrs. Drake I'm keeping the smiles flowing!
~ Kasey

Today was definitely an awesome day. Other than the fact that I got sick in the van and almost puked, everything else went quite smoothly. The volcano was an amazing sight, something we, Michiganders, don't get to see very often. Some of us also hiked a trail that was completely uphill through a dense rain forest to reach the second crater. It had been completely filled in with rainwater but was too acidic for any life to exist around it. However, Patrick and I are convinced that we saw a creature resembling the Lock Ness Monster emerge on the surface of the water. So, for anyone who might have been questioning, Nessie does exist and she is definitely in Costa Rica.
What we saw today really showcased the incredible awesomeness of God's creation. We couldn't help but just gasp and stare at the huge billows of steam rising up from the boiling mouth of the crater. It was absolutely incredible. We all returned to the base completely exhausted and most of us slept through the rest of the afternoon.
This trip has definitely been enjoyed by all and sorry parents, but most of us are regretting the day we have to leave. Even so, God has done great things in all of us and we cannot wait to share them with you!
~ Deena

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