Thursday, June 14, 2007

Costa Rica: A Leaders Perspective

I'm not sure it is possible to express my feelings about this group of students. I remember praying specifically at our first team meeting that God would select the team, and it has been a joy to lead a group hand picked by God. I have been proud of them continuously, and especially today.

I think that as a leader/pastor/teacher/mentor/life coach/whatever you want to call it, I often carry a vision of what I want to see happen in the hearts and lives of those whom God has entrusted to my care. I am pretty committed to doing whatever I can to create growth environments for students. Like a farmer tending a field (to borrow a Biblical metaphor), my goal is to create growth spaces - where students can take root, grow, and produce good fruit.

But like the farmer, I need to wait for the rain. The rain comes from God. It's not in my control. And when the rain comes the seeds sprout.

It's been raining a lot here in Costa Rica.

I am extremely proud to see these students taking their faith to new levels, learning what compassion is, and seeing how they can change lives. I am moved by what they write on this blog and by all the things they are saying as we gather in the evenings to review the day. It is a dream come true for me to lead these students. Thank you to all who have made this trip possible.

Let it rain....


Rangerdavie said...

great perspective. indeed, let it rain!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you all several times a day. It's so great to see the photos and read the reports. God bless! Joanne Knowlton

The Drakes said...

The lack of hot water will not bother Jacob Fox, who never takes a shower anyway.

Kasey, keep everyone smiling.

A real vacation Bible school - where Bibles are smuggled in. What fun!