Saturday, June 16, 2007

Costa Rica: An Honorary Team Member

Last year we met some really great people who became a part of our team while we served in Guatemala. They felt like family to us and we all knew that God had brought us together for that trip, even though we hadn't planned it that way. This year the same thing has happened. Here are a few words from our newest team member, Michael.

Hey, my name is Michael Erickson. I am a third year college student from Dallas, Texas. I came to Costa Rica to volunteer with YWAM for the month of June, and in my second week here, I have had the opportunity meet and serve with these amazing high school students. It has been an incredible blessing and joy getting to know each and every person from Michigan. Our days have consisted of different projects around the YWAM base and playing soccer at parks with locals here in San Jose. It has been amazing seeing the hearts of these students through their desire to serve, their random bursts of singing praise, and their interactions with each other. They have been incredibly welcoming and loving to me and other staff members here, and to be completely honest, my time with them has been an answered prayer. I want to thank them for the light they have all been to the people here in Costa Rica and for the love they have shown us. I am very grateful for this blessing and will be praying for these students as they leave this experience and return to the life God has for them in Jackson. Pura vida!
~ Michael

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