Monday, June 11, 2007

Costa Rica: Day 1

After breakfast and orientation we broke into three teams. I've asked a student from each group to write a little about their experience today...

Casa #1:
We did a lot of stuff today at the main YWAM house today. A bunch of us were going through a bunch of pieces of wood that the people here use to build their furniture, and we had to sort out useful pieces from scrap pieces, that we had to carry out and put on a trailor for them to get rid of. A couple other people were sanding down the rough pieces of wood and we just had to stack those together. It was really cool working with all the staff here. And today was a awesome first day! :]
-Kristin & Brandi

Casa #2: Operation Chipmunk Umbrella
We did a lot of stuff today. I found out that I was pretty much useless for constructing a wall, so I decided to paint a wall. I still don't have all of the paint off of me! The team includes Mr. Neill, Amanda, Deena, Kyle, Me/the most beautiful person/Squirrel/Mr. Humility, and a 19 year old from Texas named Michael. We were painting the outside of a house and were adding a wall for more sleeping dorms. Fun Facts: Did you know that the rain water is warmer than the shower water here? Also Kyle, Michael, and I went running through the rain without our shirts!!!:)
- By Jacob Fox

Casa #3:
Today we worked in a preschool. It was a lot of fun, we helped with construction. We took out some walls, moved a lot of stuff, and took a lot of pictures! us girls couldnt do all the work, cause its pretty hard for girls to take out a wall, but me kristin, mrs. meade, brandi, and shanel did A LOT of cleaning! Today was a very productive day! We cant wait to start working again tomorrow!
--Kasey Espinoza

So... There you have it. Day 1 is nearly done now. We are just about to have our evening group gathering. We will do our best to keep you posted on what we are up to. Keep praying!

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