Saturday, June 11, 2011

We made it!

The team has arrived safely in Guatemala.  


Beth Eddy said...

That's awesome!! We will be praying for a great week and that God would use each of you to advance His Kingdom. Enjoy church tomorrow.

Cindy said...

Great to hear! Still praying and hope you get some rest!

mkjones4981 said...

Mary Jones said...
Wonderful! Our church family is praying for you. Looking forward to reading your messages!

Michele said...

Thats great to hear. We as well as many others are praying for a great week!

Beckey said...

So glad you all made it safely. We all prayed for you!
Miss you Glyn and Bron!

Beckey said...

So glad you all made it safely!
We prayed for you and followed you on flightview!
Miss you Glyn and Bron!

Michele said...

We are so glad to hear you made it. Hope you had a fun first day at church and the zoo. Praying for you all daily. Miss you Matt Hobbs

Cindy said...

I miss you Carrie Ann! I hope you saw some something besides a raccoon at the zoo. :)
Love, hugs and prayers

Amy said...

Glad to hear you all made it safely! Miss you T!!! KC said you better have your "foreign country work" shirt with you!!!!

mkjones4981 said...

Hello Everyone! Hope you enjoyed your first day at the work site. Continuing to keep you all in prayer. Miss you much sweet pea!