Thursday, June 16, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 4 (Tuesday)

Hola amigos and familia! I miss you all so much! I hope your all having a good week so far, I know I am. God is really speaking to me through a number of things and I’ve only been here 3 days. The thing that has stood out to me the most is the joy of the people here in Guatemala. We went to zone 18 today to work and the people living there face lots of challenges. Many of the children come from abusive homes and have pretty much nothing, but yet they are so happy! Just saying “hola” to them puts a huge smile on their face. Even though I’m here to witness to them, they are also being a huge witness to me by being content in joyful in even the worst of conditions. Which then makes me ask myself the question, how can I complain about anything or be unhappy at all when these people have nothing and I have nearly everything they could ever want? It is really a wake up call and it is teaching me to be content in any circumstances and to be a witness through the joy I get through Christ to other people just like the Guatemalan people have been to me.

Hello things have gone well here. There is so much that I have seen and felt.  One of the culture shocks here would have to be the driving. It’s crazy! If you cut in front of somebody it is ok. But one of the things I have noticed the most is the poverty. Yesterday when I ate lunch I saw the kids looking at us eat and I felt bad because though I wanted to give them all a portion of my lunch I could not because I did not have enough.  It just made me think of how blessed America is and how we take things for granted.  I am glad though I am able to serve and minister to these kids and show them the love of Christ.  Hope all is going well back home.


Amy said...

Sis- That is so cool!! What's funny- that is just about the same thing that God spoke to me when I was there too! Awesome!!! It really gives you a new perspective and makes you SO grateful for all you've been blessed with, huh? :) So proud of you- can't wait to hear all the stories! Love you and pray for you daily! ~Amy

Cindy said...

Carrie, I hope you got some pictures of the kids, I want to meet them! Yeah for going to the city today! ENJOY I am thrilled with what God is doing in you! Miss you :)