Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Guatemala 2011 Update - Day 1 (Saturday)

I apologize that it has taken me so long to get these first posts up.  The Seminary is in the process of switching internet service providers and there have been some glitches in that.  We hope that they get that sorted out soon.  In order to make these posts, I've gone to a cafe (kinda like Starbucks) while the team is painting this morning.
I wish I could promise that I'll be able to make frequent updates from here on out, but I just don't know.  I'll do my best.

Day 1 was our travel day and we had a great journey down to Guatemala!  When we arrived here we grabbed some lunch and settled in to the Seminary.  I've personally been extremely impressed with the team dynamics of this group.  Everyone gets along really well together and I'm really proud to be leading this team as we visit various communities in Guatemala city.  All the parents should be proud of their kids as well.

The next few posts are what some of the students have written in the evenings, following our debrief sessions. Again, I'm proud of how these kids are responding to the promptings of God in their lives.  The work of the Spirit has been evident from day 1!  Thanks to all of you for your prayers as we serve here.


1 comment:

Cindy said...

SO good hear from you! I love reading the posts on what God is doing in Guatemala and in your lives!You have made my day! Love and prayers :)