Friday, June 17, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 7 (Friday)

Last day. We have learned many things. Like hola for Chris. But more than that we learned about contentment and listening to God. It has been a great week and we miss everyone.                          
Seth and Chris ;)

This week has been major.  Starting with way too much airport food…. I already have issues when I eat food… not in a bad way I just get an upset tummy. But anyway I’ve learned a lot, especially about prayer.  I’m pretty ADD and this week Joe talked about silent prayers, like being completely silent and not even thinking anything just listening to God not asking for anything.  I struggle with the whole being still and having nothing going on in my brain.  I always have completely random thoughts bouncing around making absolutely no sense at all to me and they are in my head.  I’ve been recently aware of the fact that I’ve been trying to squeeze God into my little box of life plans and He is just so “God” He wont fit and I continue to try to put Him there trying to make Him fit my plans instead of doing what He wants me to do in His time not waiting for Him to work on my time schedule.  God doesn’t work that way at all and I don’t know how many times I’ve learned that lesson but God will keep teaching it to me because He will never give up on me. 

Today we went to Antigua which is awesome because shopping is awesome! ;) This was my second time being there and each time I’m amazed at what goes on like the bartering and how much cheaper it is.  I absolutely epically fail at bartering and I feel like the Guatemalans secretly laugh at the dumb gringo, because of how unskilled I am. But it is still awesomely fun.

I’m stoked to be coming home tomorrow.  Even though I’ve had an awesome week, I miss my family and my tubby! ;)

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