Friday, June 17, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 6 (Thursday)

Salutations from Guatemala!

Our team had our last carnival today with the kids in Betania. This week the part of the festival I have been involved with is a game working on shooting accuracy. We set up a goal with a hula hoop (3 points) and tennis rackets (2 points) and the kids will get “un punto” (one point) for hitting a cone. Today, I got hit by the ball. I also saw Michael Jackson… he’s ALIVE!! …and playing soccer in Guatemala.

This trip has been quite an experience, totally different from last year. This year our team has been able to split the day with the carnivals and different work projects. The time with the kids has been amazing and tons of fun. This week has been exhausting but what kept me working this week was seeing the joy in the kids faces when they would play they carnival games.  Also this year I have seen God’s hand in answering prayer. Earlier this week a worksite was granted a new facility which they have been hoping to receive for seven years. I was reminded through this experience how God’s timing is always the best timing. This is just one of the many lessons I have learned this week. Another thing we did today was visit the future site of Global Soccer Ministries of Guatemala. The land of the future site is beautiful and full of opportunity. I am excited to see God’s work through this land. –Em

HOLA!!..  Sadly this is pretty much the only word I know in Spanish but I AM getting better. I was really nervous about the language barrier but it is amazing what you can accomplish with hand motions (except for a select few that would be considered offensive here). The people have been so friendly and receiving towards our group and the Bantas are so kind, thoughtful, and self-sacrificing. They always thank us for what we are doing but our work seems so little in the great scheme of things. However, I’m so grateful that we have been given the opportunity to work with them. God is doing some GREAT things down here in Guatemala and I hope that our school and this team can stay connected with the mission of Global Soccer Ministries (GSM). I’m also so proud of all the students on the trip and the things that they have been sharing in our group meetings. It’s so encouraging to see God working in their lives! On another note we’ve been able to play soccer almost everyday… can’t get much better than that!!-Kara
Signing off-
*EmKa… (Emma & Kara)

 Hi, this is Glyn – just wanted to add a note. This week has been so amazing and I am ‘soccer-ed’ out. Can you imagine that? We played most days in a match with the older teens which was a blast. Today, we worked in our forth academy of the week. It’s hard to convey in words the smells, the sounds, the crowds and the poverty. When we get back, give us a little time to unwind and process. I, at least, feel that the returning culture shock may be more intense than that initial adaptation.

The teens have been amazing. Serving, caring and just being faithful in working so hard. The sun at times has been so hot, so don’t think the suntans are as a result of kicking back.

God has been working in such amazing ways, teaching us about our relationship with God. We have been talking about our willingness, our posture before God and just a general attitude of faith.

We are missing our families and look forward to seeing you all soon.

1 comment:

Beth said...

EMKA...Glad to know you girls are having such a great time!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow.