Thursday, June 16, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 5 (Wednesday)

Hey Everyone!
Well it seems like we’ve been here for way longer than five days but it’s been an awesome experience, this team is great and I’m still excited to see what God has waiting for me and all the rest of us in this last couple days. Just spending time with different kids everyday that live hard lives is eye opening for me. Seeing the smiles on their faces when they win little stickers for the games we have set up for them just makes me realize how great I really have it. It motivates me and encourages me when I see how happy, joyful and thankful these Guatemalans are for everything. Even though there are people constantly watching us from their windows and doorsteps not doing anything and just seeing us picking up after them, it still motivates me to do more.

This trip is making me realize so many things I need to change in my life. When you come on a trip like this, when the focus is totally on God, it makes you realize how many distractions there really are that waste your time. I’ve realized I take all those distractions for granted, along with family and friends and other things that I value. The littlest thing in my life could be the biggest thing to someone else in their life. I’ve been working at a certain game each day for the kids and I’ve been playing goalie, I know I’m not good at a lot of things but I’ve realized that even though you’re bad at something God can still use you. God could work the most in that weakest point in your life.

In our devotions we’ve had key words each day, like “Willingness”, “Posture”, “?” or “Confusion” and today was “Remain”. We need to remain in God and just let Him work through us. Everything will take time, we can’t force it. A big verse that has stood out for me for a long time, especially this week is John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.” It pretty much is self explanatory. It’s just a reminder to me everyday about humility. God needs to be the top priority and it’s not all about me, it’s about God. I need to be available to God at all times, whatever, whomever, whenever, wherever. Give everything to God, and take credit for nothing.

Today we built a shelter type structure by another soccer field. We painted the walls around the field and we got the structure built. All we really had to do was set up the games for the kids, put up the shelter, finish painting the last wall and wait for the kids to come. While we were finishing that up along with eating lunch, we saw a huge thunder cloud come in. We all knew it was going to start raining. Altogether, we quickly put the structure up as it started raining. Many of us just prayed silently while we saw that cloud roll in that it wouldn’t rain so the kids would come out. God still allowed it to rain but the kids still came out and they had a blast. We accomplished everything we meant to today even though it did rain, which also meant we got to put the brand new structure to use! Today was a success. I could say so much more but this week has definitely been great so far and I can’t wait to see what God has for me when I get home!

Mom, dad, and the rest of my family and friends, thank you so much for sending me on this trip! I love you guys and I hope you’re all doing well.

Hey, hey! Well my ears and hairline (of all things) are sunburned, and I now have a white band on my legs just like my sister’s but besides that, my time here has been amazing so far; Guatemala is so beautiful (and reminds me so much of South Africa). Anyways, our day started at 7:00am with breakfast and soon the team was off to the third soccer field we worked on this week. Along with painting a cinderblock wall around the field and constructing a shade/rain shelter for the kids, we gave the children a carnival with several different soccer based activities. After 8 hours in the sun yesterday, honestly, the rain we experienced today was a nice relief even if we did get soaking wet. Getting stuck in traffic due to a fallen tree was nothing compared to the traffic jam we went through yesterday. 

After dinner back at the seminary our team gathered together for debrief and a reflection on that day’s devotions. Tonight’s “theme” was Remain and we talked about how it’s better to stay rooted and let God work in our lives and let us grow rather than wander off on our own path. This week I’ve learned many things but a couple things that I find important are:

1. That God never loves me less, no matter what I do, and
2. God’s plan is always the right one.

We think that there’s only one way for something to happen and we’ll pray for that thing when really, we should be praying for the reason why we want that “thing”. Also my plan and controlling my life is never a good thing so, even though it may be hard, I just need to trust Him because He’s the only one I can trust with my life. This week still has so much potential and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for those whom we come in contact with as well as what God has in store for our team individually and as a whole.

I’ve been so blessed to be with the crazy (I do not use this lightly) people I’ve been with on this trip. Thank you all for supporting us and praying for us!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Thanks for posting! It is great to read the updates! God is amazing and we knew he would use you in many ways. Prayers for you all!