Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 3 (Monday)

Hola everyone!!! I just want to say that this trip has been great and personally life changing. Today we got to build relationships with the kids from a community called Cipresales. This group of kids was amazing.  A lot of the stories of the kids were sad and quite scary yet they all were sooo happy to play soccer with us and play the games that the Bantas had planned. The littlest things that we would give them gave them happiness. I love the people here they are very loving and kind. I have never kissed cheeks (that's a Guatemalan greeting) or shaken hands with this many strangers before. I like it!!! 

One of the things that has been life changing for me are the devotions that we do. Today we read a section in our devotion book called All for the Glory it talked about the will of God and the purpose of our lives. The verse that stuck out to me was Isaiah 43:7 this verse said that we should glorify God in everything. This is the purpose of our lives. This is Gods will to glorify him in everything. I can’t even put a number on how many times I’ve asked God “what is your will for me” or “what do you want from my life” and this is the first time that I have found the answer right before me in the bible. I’m super duper excited to work with more kids tomorrow and attempt to speak their language and come up with ways to explain what I’m trying say. Thank you for your prayers God hears you and He has given us a safe trip thus far. I love you all through Christ and wish a good night.
~ Maty       

This country is beautiful and the people are incredible. The Bantas (the missionaries we’re working with) have such great hearts for God and for the people here. They have really made it a point to show us the city and have us really experience what it would be like to live here. I cannot believe it is only the third day here. Already, God has taught me so much! This group is so supportive and I have already seen God work through us and in us, especially through prayer. 

The second night here we had our debrief after dinner. After a few people had shared, Joe asked if anyone had any prayer requests. I decided to share something I wasn’t sure I wanted to share. My request had been from something earlier in the day. A group of us had been playing a soccer game at the seminary. I was feeling really lousy about how I was playing and just felt like quitting. I had been feeling for awhile at home that my soccer skills were lacking. I was seeking to be THE best instead of MY best. So, I shared during the prayer time about how I was feeling. Then Joe threw Lyv and I in the center of the circle and everyone surrounded us and prayed for us.

It wasn’t until today that I saw the power of that prayer. Today, Glyn sat down with me at lunch and we talked about what I had shared. Having coached me in soccer, Glyn knows how hard I am on myself. I believe the knowledge and wisdom he shared with me will really help me through this battle of my view of myself. Glyn told me to look up Psalm 139. When we returned to the seminary, I read that passage. It’s about how God knows our every move even before we make it. This is because God exists outside of time. He sees everything at once. This spoke to me specifically about my mistakes. I finally realized that God has ALWAYS known every mistake I’ve ever made and ever mistake I will ever make. So, when I make a mistake, it doesn’t surprise God. He knew it was coming. The beautiful thing about this is He loves me anyway. He loves me because I am covered with the blood of Jesus Cristo!
Thank you for all your prayers! Adios from Guatemala!
P.S. Carrie loves her mom! J


Cindy said...

I love you Care! and miss you like crazy, but I am so thankful you had the opportunity to go. I look forward to hearing every detail!God bless you dear :)

billcollector4 said...

April Said
We miss you and the Mittlestats said Hello and that we are praying for you every day. God bless you Maty We are also praying for the team to continue to have strength

Anonymous said...

Just want to give a shout out to Cousin Scout. So proud of her and the adventerous life she lives. Love u ;)

Beckey said...

Wow so great to hear God is already working so much in all of you!!!

Praying for you every day!!!
Miss you Bron and Glyn!

Mrs. Griffis said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. I am excited to hear what God has been doing in you and through you.

Dave and Gayle said...

We are finally on the Island and have internet coverage. We are so excited how God is working in all your lives. Can't wait to hear all the stories. We love you Alex and Maddy and miss you a lot.

billcollector4 said...

Hey, guys, it's been wonderful to hear all you have been experiencing and learning. Remember that giving is the Christ centered life. Loving is the God centerd heart. Daring action is the Spirit led soul. So give, love, and dare to act. Maty, you are our precious and God's own tool. Dad

Anthony said...

Gloris, your mother and I really miss you and love you. We thank God for you and are really proud of your walk. Take care many kisses.
