Saturday, June 18, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - 8 Days, 30 Pictures, 1 Amazing Trip!

 Our traditional closing prayer at the Airport.
 Making signs for the carnival stations.
 The fearless leaders.
 Some of the team in front of our bus.
 Card games, a popular evening activity.
 Kassidy cleaning up around the bleachers, with the help of a Guatemalan woman.
 Morning prayer on the soccer field before work begins.
 Danilo (one of the GSM coaches) presenting the devotional to the kids.
 Team "Monkey"!
 Our face painting crew!  It always draws a crowd.
 Team members praying over a Guatemalan boy who received some "new" cleats that we brought down.
 More team members praying.  It was a theme for the week.
 Bleacher repair project: Check.
 A nice view of Volcano Agua from Renacimientos.
 Climbing the steps to Renacimientos.
 Painting in Renacimientos.
 More painting...
 Afternoon soccer at Bremen.
 Charlie presenting a devotional to his soccer team.
 Ramiro praying with kids after the carnival.
 Roy, Charlie, and Polo preparing to build the sombra (shade structure).
 The sombra being installed.
 Happy workers!
 Danilo presenting a devotional under the new sombra.  Without it, many would have gone home due to the rain.
 Some of the carnival crew with some of the kids.
 Charlie, Tricia, Amy, John, and Joe sporting the new GSM shirts.
 Our team circled for prayer at the soon-to-be GSM property.
 Our prayer circle.
 The Team!
Team lunch in Antigua.

1 comment:

Nic[H]ole said...

So cool! Glad it was a great trip for all.