Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 7

This week has been the most amazing experience in my life. It is really hard to explain this whole week in one post but honestly I will never be the same. This week we have been working on a school and the changes that I saw in the end were great. The last day we worked for a little bit then we got the rest of the day we got to play with the children. It was so fun and I will never forget them. Today we went to Antigua and got to shop the entire day. This was the funniest shopping experience I have had. This week had been mind blowing both in my faith but also my relationships with others. I have made friends that I would have never been able to meet if I didn’t go on this trip. It also has been a blessing that the other group staying at the seminary had a worship service every night and being able to worship with God after everything he has done has been an awesome thing. They will never know how much it helped us and I want to thank them. Another thing that has hit me this week has been seeing God working through John and Amy. The way that God is using them here has made me think I want that when I get older. That in my future I want God to work through me in a way that I can’t even control. I would never trade what I have experienced in this past week for anything. God has opened my eyes to many things and has changed a lot in my life.
- Emma
P.S. Hey Mom thanks for the notes of encouragement!! I love you guys!!

This week has been a life changing experience. I know that is what everyone says, but it is so true. This week has been so out of my comfort zone, like being away from home in a foreign country. Also being with kids is totally not what I enjoy doing. Being here has been so amazing. There was another mission group here with us this week from Tennessee, and every night they had a worship service and were kind enough to invite our group to join them. Thursday night they decided to just have worship and prayer. During the last song, “Here I Am to Worship” (Which to me has just always been one of those songs that I knew all the words to and just sang because it was a song I liked), the meaning of the words just jumped out: Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you’re my God. You’re altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me. I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.” I thought how true those words have been this week. I was completely and totally vulnerable to God and what he had to say to me. It hit me that He wanted me to bow down and listen to Him for once in my life.
Emma and I grew to be like sisters again this week. She challenged me to do a few things that are going to be extremely hard for me, but very beneficial. And I did the same for her.
During this week I have also gotten really close with Al. I now look to her as an older sister. She gives very good advice and just loves the Lord with a passion I haven’t seen in a person in a long time. She is so willing and ready to share a verse, or her faith, and wants to be whatever God wants her to be. I want to be more like Al.
While being here, I have realized I am a stronger person than I ever knew. And now because of Al, Emma, and the Tennessee groups worship service, I am a stronger Christian. Being here was an indescribably incredible experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emma and Tamry,

Wow girls! God has been at work this week. You sure have encouraged me with what you have shared about your experience on this trip. I am so happy that you were both willing and able to go. God is so amazing! When you have an experience like you have had this week you get to know Him in a very personal way that can change the whole way you view God and draw you into a closer relationship with Him. I'm thankful that all you girls have had a great time and made friendships that will last forever. Looking forward to seeing you today Em!

Love Ya,