Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thoughts on the Journey

The first day of our trip to Guatemala was a long day of transport through various airports and several modes of ground transportation. The day was exhausting, but painless, as everything went as smooth as one could ask for when travelling internationally with a group. Upon our arrival in Guatemala City we were promptly met by John, Amy, their kids and a couple of their friends. John and Amy are our missionary hosts and they seem to be absolutely on fire for their cause here. I am delighted to have met them and honored to have the opportunity to serve here with them. The entire group was given a van tour around the area that John and Amy serve. It was a wonderful opportunity to get some brief exposure to the living conditions and people in some of the poorest communities in Guatemala City. John was a great guide and has all inspired and excited to get our hands dirty as we work with and help the people in these areas. For me, I hope to be able to provide whatever help and service I can. However, it already seems clear that the people here probably will have more of an impact of my life than I will on theirs.
- Scott G.

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