Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 4

Today was a great experience with the work crew, I saw God all around me within friends and the students. I have never experienced God as I did today. I saw and noticed Him working through me and others. Today I think we all got closer as a group and as friends, we all now have a deep connection with one another. We all took turns digging and hacking at the dirt and painting and still seemed to get what was needed done.

So today was a really great day I saw God everywhere I turned, within our group and within the kids that I got to play with. All of the children have so little and still the laugh and play its really amazing to think that they have little and still can remain happy, even though I could barely understand what they were saying just to be around them was amazing. Another thing is when we were working in the trench and picking up rocks we all grew a lot closer bonding and laugh and having a good time. Even though we were working we made the best out of it and had fun along the way. It really amazed me at how eleven people who are so different can come together as one. We also played a soccer game against a bunch of buff dudes from Tennessee and got our butts kicked but its okay because we kept a positive attitude and tried to keep persevering just like we have been doing so far all this week. I am really proud of what we have accomplish so far this week and I know we will keep going until the job that has been set before us is finished.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” (Isaiah 6:8). This is my first mission trip and first time ever being out of the country; I’ve had no clue what to expect and everything our group has done has put me out of my element and made me see things from a different perspective. A big surprise to me was the warmth and loving character from the Guatemalan people. I am a naturally happy person, but that maybe because I have everything I could ever want, being a privileged American; I guess I was expecting a sinister attitude from the people I smiled at. To my surprise and joy I found that even though these Guatemalans have so much less than I, they find joy in their life. I am convicted; why do I let stupid worries burden me? I will never forget how incredibly blessed I am.
I find myself being amazed by John and Amy Banta; they are such Godly servants, always putting others before themselves. They have poured themselves into their ministry and rely on God for their source of strength. They are not only great parents, but great friends to people of all ages. John has so much energy; he was extremely pleased to see that we play basketball (you don’t find many basketball players in Guatemala). John is a fireball that, I must say, is an extremely good basketball player! John and Amy are a blessing to work alongside.
I have grown close to John and Amy’s intern, Danielle. She is a great person that I’ve found a lot in common with. I enjoy working with her and am so glad she is from Grand Rapids so I will be able to know her better when we both get back to the states.
God has blessed our group with many times of laughter, many times of deep reflection and connection. I am so thankful for all that God is teaching me on this trip to Guatemala; it’s so beautiful here and I don’t want to leave. I know, however, that when I do leave I will be able to talk about what I have learned with others and encourage them in the ways that I have been encouraged here.

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