Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 6

¡Hola, Kate y Alex aqui! So we have a lot to say and only so much space to write before you get tired of reading. We’ll make it short and sweet…or try. Today was our last day of work. The wall is not complete but we helped lay the foundation. Painting was completed on all the walls and steps outside and the majority of the auditorium/church. It was so awesome to see the fruits of our labor. And we could tell our work was much appreciated by the woman who started the school, Pastor Jaime, Fermin and the entire school. Today wasn’t all work though. We both spent time in a 4th grade classroom observing. La profesora, or the teacher was teaching math, specifically fractions and areas. The teacher had so much passion for her students. You could see it in her face and the way she spoke. Teachers at this school don’t get paid well either, so you know she must really love her job.
After observing we threw a party for the students that consisted of games, face painting, animal balloons, snacks and sharing our testimonies. It was my (Kate) first time and so I was a bit nervous but really excited to stretch myself spiritually. It was difficult to tell how the students took in what we were saying, but even if one person there was encouraged it was worth it.
Both of us have enjoyed getting to know our team members. The conversations, specifically shared over a paintbrush and dirty walls was a great way to learn more about each other. Although there’s a gap in age, we were both extremely excited to build new friendships. It’s also a great opportunity to be a role model. Did you know as many as nine people are always looking up to you? It just makes us wonder, are we always setting a good example. We couldn’t have asked for a better team, a better leader, or a better host family. The Banta’s are an amazing family that we will always be encouraged by.
Today, being our last day of work was bittersweet. We seemed to hit a wall in our work ethic, but we never stopped seeing God. He was there in the conversations, the children playing, the view of mountains, volcanoes and greenery, or the sudden downpour as it approached us from the distance. It was difficult leaving the school thinking we may never see this place again, but God willing we will return. Because… “Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city.”
- Kate & Alex

Where to start…Wow what an amazing week. I have met so many people after God’s own heart. I have learned so much about this team and the people of Guatemala in just 4 short days. Each person has touched my life in their own special and unique ways. I just thank God for this opportunity to be here and to work next to each and every one of them. The work at times was hard but we all pulled through and accomplished the task. I also want to thank God for John and Amy Banta, their vision for ministering to this community of people is so much bigger than any of us can ever imagine. I pray that all that read these blogs can see what God has planned and lays it in your hearts to help any way that is possible.

In Christ Jesus-


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