Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 5

With my neck red and my ears blistered, I woke up on this overcast morning in Guatemala very tired and needless to say a bit sore. Once again, the ride to the school offered reassurance from God that He was going to strengthen our entire group. I can not seem to get over the beautiful back drop of our work site. With the mountains and hills stretching as far as the eye can see, God has definitely left His fingerprints. A few things left there mark on me, today. The first one happened while scraping the scum off the stairs. There was a two year old boy and a three year old girl trying to walk up the steep stairs. While they were attempting this task the little girl grasped tightly to the boys hand. She was patient and continued to encourage. A bit later, while I was painting it hit me. God was like, this is how I am with you! “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” God is grasping my hand tightly, never letting go. What an image?!
Towards the end of our day, John took us to a potential spot for his dream soccer complex that will have multiple fields, locker rooms, and maybe a school one day. He took us up a mountain that had a view of the entire city of Guatemala. John’s enthusiasm and passion never ceases to astound me. You can see God living within him and working through his ministry. I hope that I can take my passions and use them to bring people to God. This is such a great opportunity for this ministry and God is working so much through it.
Tomorrow is our last day of work and I am a bit sad. I hope that I can take back what I have learned and share it with others. God never ceases to amaze me. He has brought many new friendships and helped strengthen old ones. I have learned that all I need for true happiness, true hope, true faith, and true love, is God.
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow it sounds like you guys are having a great time. It has been so encouraging to me to read how each of you are looking for God and seeing Him at work or through other people. You girls are learning a valuable tool that you can continue to use once you get home. Sometimes it takes geting out of our normal life and routine to see God but He is doing amazing things right back at home too. We just have to be looking and tuned in. I will be praying for a sunny day as you finish your work today and for a fun filled day on Friday. Have fun shopping, wish I could be there! Hi Emma hope you are having an awesome time! See ya soon.

Beth Eddy