Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 2 - Sunday

Saturday for the first half was just walking in like a half awake blur. The second half of the day was pretty cool. When we arrived at the seminary I played a little soccer with Luke and Titus (two of the Banta’s kids). Then later we all crammed into the van for a tour of zone 18 where John and Amy serve. On Sunday we went to church, which was probably the best service I have ever been to and I couldn’t understand half of what was said. Brandon, the guest speaker, talked about Matthew 9:35-38. It talks about how Jesus was going from town to town healing and preaching and was super busy, but was never too busy for anyone. If God is never too busy for anyone or anything, why are we almost always too busy for Him? After church we went to John and Amy’s for lunch, then we went to the zoo!!! We were playing in the fountain, and we were basically an exhibit for the Guatemalans. They were most likely thinking “those crazy Americans”. After the zoo we came back and went to the park and played some soccer with a few Guatemalan boys. I was on a team with Jose Diego and a boy who I called Fabreeze because I couldn’t pronounce his name; it was close to Fabreeze though. Since it was the 4th of July, there was a party at John and Amy’s. We ate, talked, and Chris did a few card tricks for Sandi, Sierra, and I. We went back to the park and lit fireworks. It was great!!!
- Tamry E.

My experience in Guatemala so far has been incredible. We arrived Saturday, and as soon as we got here I knew I was going to love it. The people, the city, the language, everything is so intriguing to me! John gave us a tour of Guatemala City our first day, and what I learned quickly was soccer is the knot that ties everyone closer here. There are soccer fields everywhere, kids playing in the streets, and people wearing jerseys-not to mention the world cup everyone’s already ecstatic about. It’s their bonding point, and definitely what they love to do.
The church service has definitely been my highlight point of the trip so far. We sang, half being in Spanish, and half in English. After worship, Brandon (guest speaker) talked on the vision of the world, verses the vision of believers. By not conforming to the worlds ways and making known were Christians. Everyone was so.. compassionate and loving and you could tell they truly loved the Lord. It was by far one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life, and I absolutely LOVE the mission trip so far, and I am so glad God has blessed me with the opportunity to come!!
-Lexy U.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates everyone! Sounds like you guys are having a great time so far. We are praying for you.

Mrs. Eddy