Saturday, June 18, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Leader Reflections

Our 2011 JCS Mission Team is now on their way home and, from my perspective, it was a great success.  Spiritual writer, Henri Nouwen once said, "It is of great importance that we leave the world of measurements behind when we speak about the life of the Spirit."  So, I won't bother talking about things like the number of kids we worked with.  In fact, I don't even know.  But what I can talk about are the movements of the Spirit that became evident each evening as our group circled up to discuss the day.

During our final debrief session, I asked each participant to share a few sentences describing what they believed God was challenging them with this week.  As I listened I summarized those phrases and paragraphs into a list of words.  This list represents, in the most simple form, a list of things God is doing in the lives of these team members.  As I told the team last night, I don't believe these words represent only what God did on this trip, but rather, they represent a broader movement of God in their lives.  I challenged them to continue to ponder these words and to watch for ways that God may carry these themes on as they return to "normal" life.

So, here is the list:


There is no real way to measure the outcome of this trip.  But with words like these emerging in the hearts of these students, I'm confident that this experience will forever be an important part of their journey.

Thanks to all who have been in prayer for this team, and for those who also helped make it possible.

Director of Short-Term Missions
Simply Missions

Guatemala 2011 - 8 Days, 30 Pictures, 1 Amazing Trip!

 Our traditional closing prayer at the Airport.
 Making signs for the carnival stations.
 The fearless leaders.
 Some of the team in front of our bus.
 Card games, a popular evening activity.
 Kassidy cleaning up around the bleachers, with the help of a Guatemalan woman.
 Morning prayer on the soccer field before work begins.
 Danilo (one of the GSM coaches) presenting the devotional to the kids.
 Team "Monkey"!
 Our face painting crew!  It always draws a crowd.
 Team members praying over a Guatemalan boy who received some "new" cleats that we brought down.
 More team members praying.  It was a theme for the week.
 Bleacher repair project: Check.
 A nice view of Volcano Agua from Renacimientos.
 Climbing the steps to Renacimientos.
 Painting in Renacimientos.
 More painting...
 Afternoon soccer at Bremen.
 Charlie presenting a devotional to his soccer team.
 Ramiro praying with kids after the carnival.
 Roy, Charlie, and Polo preparing to build the sombra (shade structure).
 The sombra being installed.
 Happy workers!
 Danilo presenting a devotional under the new sombra.  Without it, many would have gone home due to the rain.
 Some of the carnival crew with some of the kids.
 Charlie, Tricia, Amy, John, and Joe sporting the new GSM shirts.
 Our team circled for prayer at the soon-to-be GSM property.
 Our prayer circle.
 The Team!
Team lunch in Antigua.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 7 (Friday)

Last day. We have learned many things. Like hola for Chris. But more than that we learned about contentment and listening to God. It has been a great week and we miss everyone.                          
Seth and Chris ;)

This week has been major.  Starting with way too much airport food…. I already have issues when I eat food… not in a bad way I just get an upset tummy. But anyway I’ve learned a lot, especially about prayer.  I’m pretty ADD and this week Joe talked about silent prayers, like being completely silent and not even thinking anything just listening to God not asking for anything.  I struggle with the whole being still and having nothing going on in my brain.  I always have completely random thoughts bouncing around making absolutely no sense at all to me and they are in my head.  I’ve been recently aware of the fact that I’ve been trying to squeeze God into my little box of life plans and He is just so “God” He wont fit and I continue to try to put Him there trying to make Him fit my plans instead of doing what He wants me to do in His time not waiting for Him to work on my time schedule.  God doesn’t work that way at all and I don’t know how many times I’ve learned that lesson but God will keep teaching it to me because He will never give up on me. 

Today we went to Antigua which is awesome because shopping is awesome! ;) This was my second time being there and each time I’m amazed at what goes on like the bartering and how much cheaper it is.  I absolutely epically fail at bartering and I feel like the Guatemalans secretly laugh at the dumb gringo, because of how unskilled I am. But it is still awesomely fun.

I’m stoked to be coming home tomorrow.  Even though I’ve had an awesome week, I miss my family and my tubby! ;)

Guatemala 2011 - Day 6 (Thursday)

Salutations from Guatemala!

Our team had our last carnival today with the kids in Betania. This week the part of the festival I have been involved with is a game working on shooting accuracy. We set up a goal with a hula hoop (3 points) and tennis rackets (2 points) and the kids will get “un punto” (one point) for hitting a cone. Today, I got hit by the ball. I also saw Michael Jackson… he’s ALIVE!! …and playing soccer in Guatemala.

This trip has been quite an experience, totally different from last year. This year our team has been able to split the day with the carnivals and different work projects. The time with the kids has been amazing and tons of fun. This week has been exhausting but what kept me working this week was seeing the joy in the kids faces when they would play they carnival games.  Also this year I have seen God’s hand in answering prayer. Earlier this week a worksite was granted a new facility which they have been hoping to receive for seven years. I was reminded through this experience how God’s timing is always the best timing. This is just one of the many lessons I have learned this week. Another thing we did today was visit the future site of Global Soccer Ministries of Guatemala. The land of the future site is beautiful and full of opportunity. I am excited to see God’s work through this land. –Em

HOLA!!..  Sadly this is pretty much the only word I know in Spanish but I AM getting better. I was really nervous about the language barrier but it is amazing what you can accomplish with hand motions (except for a select few that would be considered offensive here). The people have been so friendly and receiving towards our group and the Bantas are so kind, thoughtful, and self-sacrificing. They always thank us for what we are doing but our work seems so little in the great scheme of things. However, I’m so grateful that we have been given the opportunity to work with them. God is doing some GREAT things down here in Guatemala and I hope that our school and this team can stay connected with the mission of Global Soccer Ministries (GSM). I’m also so proud of all the students on the trip and the things that they have been sharing in our group meetings. It’s so encouraging to see God working in their lives! On another note we’ve been able to play soccer almost everyday… can’t get much better than that!!-Kara
Signing off-
*EmKa… (Emma & Kara)

 Hi, this is Glyn – just wanted to add a note. This week has been so amazing and I am ‘soccer-ed’ out. Can you imagine that? We played most days in a match with the older teens which was a blast. Today, we worked in our forth academy of the week. It’s hard to convey in words the smells, the sounds, the crowds and the poverty. When we get back, give us a little time to unwind and process. I, at least, feel that the returning culture shock may be more intense than that initial adaptation.

The teens have been amazing. Serving, caring and just being faithful in working so hard. The sun at times has been so hot, so don’t think the suntans are as a result of kicking back.

God has been working in such amazing ways, teaching us about our relationship with God. We have been talking about our willingness, our posture before God and just a general attitude of faith.

We are missing our families and look forward to seeing you all soon.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 5 (Wednesday)

Hey Everyone!
Well it seems like we’ve been here for way longer than five days but it’s been an awesome experience, this team is great and I’m still excited to see what God has waiting for me and all the rest of us in this last couple days. Just spending time with different kids everyday that live hard lives is eye opening for me. Seeing the smiles on their faces when they win little stickers for the games we have set up for them just makes me realize how great I really have it. It motivates me and encourages me when I see how happy, joyful and thankful these Guatemalans are for everything. Even though there are people constantly watching us from their windows and doorsteps not doing anything and just seeing us picking up after them, it still motivates me to do more.

This trip is making me realize so many things I need to change in my life. When you come on a trip like this, when the focus is totally on God, it makes you realize how many distractions there really are that waste your time. I’ve realized I take all those distractions for granted, along with family and friends and other things that I value. The littlest thing in my life could be the biggest thing to someone else in their life. I’ve been working at a certain game each day for the kids and I’ve been playing goalie, I know I’m not good at a lot of things but I’ve realized that even though you’re bad at something God can still use you. God could work the most in that weakest point in your life.

In our devotions we’ve had key words each day, like “Willingness”, “Posture”, “?” or “Confusion” and today was “Remain”. We need to remain in God and just let Him work through us. Everything will take time, we can’t force it. A big verse that has stood out for me for a long time, especially this week is John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.” It pretty much is self explanatory. It’s just a reminder to me everyday about humility. God needs to be the top priority and it’s not all about me, it’s about God. I need to be available to God at all times, whatever, whomever, whenever, wherever. Give everything to God, and take credit for nothing.

Today we built a shelter type structure by another soccer field. We painted the walls around the field and we got the structure built. All we really had to do was set up the games for the kids, put up the shelter, finish painting the last wall and wait for the kids to come. While we were finishing that up along with eating lunch, we saw a huge thunder cloud come in. We all knew it was going to start raining. Altogether, we quickly put the structure up as it started raining. Many of us just prayed silently while we saw that cloud roll in that it wouldn’t rain so the kids would come out. God still allowed it to rain but the kids still came out and they had a blast. We accomplished everything we meant to today even though it did rain, which also meant we got to put the brand new structure to use! Today was a success. I could say so much more but this week has definitely been great so far and I can’t wait to see what God has for me when I get home!

Mom, dad, and the rest of my family and friends, thank you so much for sending me on this trip! I love you guys and I hope you’re all doing well.

Hey, hey! Well my ears and hairline (of all things) are sunburned, and I now have a white band on my legs just like my sister’s but besides that, my time here has been amazing so far; Guatemala is so beautiful (and reminds me so much of South Africa). Anyways, our day started at 7:00am with breakfast and soon the team was off to the third soccer field we worked on this week. Along with painting a cinderblock wall around the field and constructing a shade/rain shelter for the kids, we gave the children a carnival with several different soccer based activities. After 8 hours in the sun yesterday, honestly, the rain we experienced today was a nice relief even if we did get soaking wet. Getting stuck in traffic due to a fallen tree was nothing compared to the traffic jam we went through yesterday. 

After dinner back at the seminary our team gathered together for debrief and a reflection on that day’s devotions. Tonight’s “theme” was Remain and we talked about how it’s better to stay rooted and let God work in our lives and let us grow rather than wander off on our own path. This week I’ve learned many things but a couple things that I find important are:

1. That God never loves me less, no matter what I do, and
2. God’s plan is always the right one.

We think that there’s only one way for something to happen and we’ll pray for that thing when really, we should be praying for the reason why we want that “thing”. Also my plan and controlling my life is never a good thing so, even though it may be hard, I just need to trust Him because He’s the only one I can trust with my life. This week still has so much potential and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for those whom we come in contact with as well as what God has in store for our team individually and as a whole.

I’ve been so blessed to be with the crazy (I do not use this lightly) people I’ve been with on this trip. Thank you all for supporting us and praying for us!

Guatemala 2011 - Day 4 (Tuesday)

Hola amigos and familia! I miss you all so much! I hope your all having a good week so far, I know I am. God is really speaking to me through a number of things and I’ve only been here 3 days. The thing that has stood out to me the most is the joy of the people here in Guatemala. We went to zone 18 today to work and the people living there face lots of challenges. Many of the children come from abusive homes and have pretty much nothing, but yet they are so happy! Just saying “hola” to them puts a huge smile on their face. Even though I’m here to witness to them, they are also being a huge witness to me by being content in joyful in even the worst of conditions. Which then makes me ask myself the question, how can I complain about anything or be unhappy at all when these people have nothing and I have nearly everything they could ever want? It is really a wake up call and it is teaching me to be content in any circumstances and to be a witness through the joy I get through Christ to other people just like the Guatemalan people have been to me.

Hello things have gone well here. There is so much that I have seen and felt.  One of the culture shocks here would have to be the driving. It’s crazy! If you cut in front of somebody it is ok. But one of the things I have noticed the most is the poverty. Yesterday when I ate lunch I saw the kids looking at us eat and I felt bad because though I wanted to give them all a portion of my lunch I could not because I did not have enough.  It just made me think of how blessed America is and how we take things for granted.  I am glad though I am able to serve and minister to these kids and show them the love of Christ.  Hope all is going well back home.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Guatemala 2011 - Day 3 (Monday)

Hola everyone!!! I just want to say that this trip has been great and personally life changing. Today we got to build relationships with the kids from a community called Cipresales. This group of kids was amazing.  A lot of the stories of the kids were sad and quite scary yet they all were sooo happy to play soccer with us and play the games that the Bantas had planned. The littlest things that we would give them gave them happiness. I love the people here they are very loving and kind. I have never kissed cheeks (that's a Guatemalan greeting) or shaken hands with this many strangers before. I like it!!! 

One of the things that has been life changing for me are the devotions that we do. Today we read a section in our devotion book called All for the Glory it talked about the will of God and the purpose of our lives. The verse that stuck out to me was Isaiah 43:7 this verse said that we should glorify God in everything. This is the purpose of our lives. This is Gods will to glorify him in everything. I can’t even put a number on how many times I’ve asked God “what is your will for me” or “what do you want from my life” and this is the first time that I have found the answer right before me in the bible. I’m super duper excited to work with more kids tomorrow and attempt to speak their language and come up with ways to explain what I’m trying say. Thank you for your prayers God hears you and He has given us a safe trip thus far. I love you all through Christ and wish a good night.
~ Maty       

This country is beautiful and the people are incredible. The Bantas (the missionaries we’re working with) have such great hearts for God and for the people here. They have really made it a point to show us the city and have us really experience what it would be like to live here. I cannot believe it is only the third day here. Already, God has taught me so much! This group is so supportive and I have already seen God work through us and in us, especially through prayer. 

The second night here we had our debrief after dinner. After a few people had shared, Joe asked if anyone had any prayer requests. I decided to share something I wasn’t sure I wanted to share. My request had been from something earlier in the day. A group of us had been playing a soccer game at the seminary. I was feeling really lousy about how I was playing and just felt like quitting. I had been feeling for awhile at home that my soccer skills were lacking. I was seeking to be THE best instead of MY best. So, I shared during the prayer time about how I was feeling. Then Joe threw Lyv and I in the center of the circle and everyone surrounded us and prayed for us.

It wasn’t until today that I saw the power of that prayer. Today, Glyn sat down with me at lunch and we talked about what I had shared. Having coached me in soccer, Glyn knows how hard I am on myself. I believe the knowledge and wisdom he shared with me will really help me through this battle of my view of myself. Glyn told me to look up Psalm 139. When we returned to the seminary, I read that passage. It’s about how God knows our every move even before we make it. This is because God exists outside of time. He sees everything at once. This spoke to me specifically about my mistakes. I finally realized that God has ALWAYS known every mistake I’ve ever made and ever mistake I will ever make. So, when I make a mistake, it doesn’t surprise God. He knew it was coming. The beautiful thing about this is He loves me anyway. He loves me because I am covered with the blood of Jesus Cristo!
Thank you for all your prayers! Adios from Guatemala!
P.S. Carrie loves her mom! J

Guatemala 2011 - Day 2 (Sunday)

Hola from Guatemala City, Guatemala! It’s the end of the first full day here and we’re finally settling in. It is going to be a fantastic week, though this morning I did not think so. I woke up – my first morning in a foreign country – with a bad attitude towards everything. (Part of the reason for this attitude may have been the millions of ants invading our room, and my suitcase.) The thing was – I knew I had a bad attitude and I even wanted to change it – but I just didn’t. Everything changed when I got to church. We were greeted with WIDE open arms! I’ve never hugged so many strangers and had so many people that I didn’t know happy to see me. With all the smiles and greetings, I couldn’t help but get a little happier. The people here are just so friendly.

Then there was the prayer. The pastor opened with seriously a TEN minute prayer. It was all in Spanish – but fortunately I could figure out a lot of it. At first – due to my attitude – I was annoyed with how long the prayer was. But then God showed me how ridiculous my thinking was! These people have sooo much less than I have at home – yet it took 10 minutes for them to thank God for all He has given them. Also, the people here value their family above everything. I have been so un-thankful for everything I have, and have even taken family for granted. I love my family so much but I know that I don’t show them that enough and I don’t appreciate them enough. I have so much to be thankful for. I could/should pray for an hour and that’s probably still not enough.

We (Carrie, Lyvia, and I) also met a little girl today. Her name was Asati – I think. J She knew a little bit of English and was so eager to talk to us. She was precious and we really hope to see her again. It was encouraging how much we could communicate (even in Spanish) when we tried. Tomorrow we get to spend time with a lot of kids so I am very much looking forward to it and it sounds like we will be spending a lot of time with kids this week. 

Hola Familia y Amigos,
I feel like I have already been here for much longer than just 2 days. It is so wonderful here. Guatemala is like nothing I have ever seen before. It’s incredible and I feel so comfortable. God has given me peace and I feel at ease being here. I know that, that is from all the prayers from everyone back home, Muchas Gracias(: I’ve been here less than 48 hours and I have already struggled, learned, and grown. There have been muy things that I have struggled with, but I’ll just share two(: The first one is something I have struggled with even back home, Contentment. Not only contentment with where I am, but who I am and who God wants me to become. Joe talked about how when we look in the mirror and we see something we don’t like, we shouldn’t just walk away, but fix it. The second struggle is something that God showed me in the devotions that Joe gave us for the trip, Willingness. Willingness to Change, Willingness to see a different View, and Willingness to be Available for whatever God has planned for my life. The first devotion talked about Scaffolds. Two sentences that stood out to me were: Old ways and whole parts of you will need to be heated and scraped off. The crustiness of the way you used to be will need to be washed off. It talked about how God will have to take away the surface that has been hiding what’s on the inside.  It won’t be an easy or painless process, but a much needed one. It will definitely be worth it in the end. I am very excited to see how God works, not only in me, but in this entire group. Again, gracias for all the prayers and support, it’s more than appreciated. Buenos Noches, Amor to all.
~ Lyvia 

Guatemala 2011 Update - Day 1 (Saturday)

I apologize that it has taken me so long to get these first posts up.  The Seminary is in the process of switching internet service providers and there have been some glitches in that.  We hope that they get that sorted out soon.  In order to make these posts, I've gone to a cafe (kinda like Starbucks) while the team is painting this morning.
I wish I could promise that I'll be able to make frequent updates from here on out, but I just don't know.  I'll do my best.

Day 1 was our travel day and we had a great journey down to Guatemala!  When we arrived here we grabbed some lunch and settled in to the Seminary.  I've personally been extremely impressed with the team dynamics of this group.  Everyone gets along really well together and I'm really proud to be leading this team as we visit various communities in Guatemala city.  All the parents should be proud of their kids as well.

The next few posts are what some of the students have written in the evenings, following our debrief sessions. Again, I'm proud of how these kids are responding to the promptings of God in their lives.  The work of the Spirit has been evident from day 1!  Thanks to all of you for your prayers as we serve here.


Sunday, June 12, 2011


I talked to Joe tonight.  The internet has been down at the seminary.  They should have it either tomorrow or Tuesday.  Everyone is doing great and staying healthy!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

We made it!

The team has arrived safely in Guatemala.