Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reflecions After Returning Home

We've been home for 10 days now, so I asked some of our team members to reflect on the transition from a week of life in Guatemala to life back here in the USA. Here's what a few of them had to say...

My trip to Guatemala was..incredible. I learned so much from John and Amy, along with everyone else I met. God taught me to be patient, to trust, and to love more freely. God also taught me i love mission trips, and I'm definitely looking into going on more! Returning home was difficult. The first few days, i flat out didn't want to be here. I wanted to be back in Guatemala, but I've been noticing that Jackson is like a small portion of what i experienced in Guatemala. There are people who love the Lord, but also people who need to hear about God. And until the next trip I go on, this is like a missions trip too.

Returning home from Guatemala has been a lot tougher than I imagined. I miss everything about it. I miss the cites, the people, and maybe even the smells! :). I have thought about it everyday since being home. I spent some of my time making a video about the trip. This helped me preserve some of the memories from the trip. Also talking to people about my experience has helped a lot. God has continued to teach me things since being home. Now, that I have had time to digest more of the trip and the experiences, my thoughts have gone crazy! Writing in my journal and rereading some of the journal I did while in Guatemala helps straighten out some of my thoughts. I continually see things at home that remind me of Guatemala and the people there. I can't exactly describe the feeling I have had. The whole experience has made me rethink a lot of things about my future and what God may have in store for me. I thank him everyday for allowing me to go to Guatemala and experience something that has been life changing. Most of all, I have thanked God for the people He placed in my life while on the trip. I have worked to stay in touch with them, and I can't wait to see what else God has in store for all of our futures. I have learned that God is a slow moving God. I have to be patient. I have to wait with an open mind and an open heart. Overall, the past week has almost felt like an out of body experience. I can't believe that it's already been a week since being there. I am looking forward to keeping track of Global Soccer Ministries and someday returning.
- Alex

As soon as I got home the first thing out of my Mom’s mouth was, “Do you want to move to Guatemala to teach?” It surprised me, but it probably shouldn’t have. I was still processing everything going through my mind. I didn’t think I’d have so much to think about when I got back from Guatemala. I knew a mission trip would be a life changing experience for me, but I didn’t expect this. It’s like my heart is breaking. I’m overwhelmed. My brain feels constantly clouded. I want so badly to be back down in Guatemala City helping. God opened a door for me, one I never expected to be opened. In a more practical sense though, I still have two more years of college. My degree will be for teaching science, not English as a second language. I still can’t fluently speak Spanish. And then I wonder, is this really where God is leading me or is this me over thinking it. My mind wanders back to a devotion we did on the trip. Philippians 1:6 says, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Whatever God has planned for me, he will complete his plans. He is slowly and carefully building me into the woman he wants me to be. So I will just have to be patient and see what God has in store for me.
This trip really impacted my life in many ways. God made me realize there are ways I can be helping in my own community until or if I am called to Guatemala. I am seeking to become more involved in my home church. I also know I want to go on another mission trip. I think it was very important for me to be around Christians from different cultures than me. My brothers and sisters in Guatemala taught me so much but I know I have much more to learn. I am so thankful for everyone who helped make this trip possible. Most of all, I’m thankful for all the ways God continues to bless me and amaze me.
- Kate

The trip home was sad only because i was afraid i wouldn't be as close to God as i was when i was in Guatemala. But i realized you don't have to be on a missions trip or out of the states to be close to God, i was wrong in thinking that.
I can be close to God right here at home. I just have to keep my faith on a strong foundation. Guatemala had taught me a lot in that one week that i was there. It taught me how to love others unconditionally and that i don't need any thing to
be happy, all i need is my Lord and Savor Jesus Christ who paid the debts of my sin on the cross.
- Sandi

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