Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reflecions After Returning Home

We've been home for 10 days now, so I asked some of our team members to reflect on the transition from a week of life in Guatemala to life back here in the USA. Here's what a few of them had to say...

My trip to Guatemala was..incredible. I learned so much from John and Amy, along with everyone else I met. God taught me to be patient, to trust, and to love more freely. God also taught me i love mission trips, and I'm definitely looking into going on more! Returning home was difficult. The first few days, i flat out didn't want to be here. I wanted to be back in Guatemala, but I've been noticing that Jackson is like a small portion of what i experienced in Guatemala. There are people who love the Lord, but also people who need to hear about God. And until the next trip I go on, this is like a missions trip too.

Returning home from Guatemala has been a lot tougher than I imagined. I miss everything about it. I miss the cites, the people, and maybe even the smells! :). I have thought about it everyday since being home. I spent some of my time making a video about the trip. This helped me preserve some of the memories from the trip. Also talking to people about my experience has helped a lot. God has continued to teach me things since being home. Now, that I have had time to digest more of the trip and the experiences, my thoughts have gone crazy! Writing in my journal and rereading some of the journal I did while in Guatemala helps straighten out some of my thoughts. I continually see things at home that remind me of Guatemala and the people there. I can't exactly describe the feeling I have had. The whole experience has made me rethink a lot of things about my future and what God may have in store for me. I thank him everyday for allowing me to go to Guatemala and experience something that has been life changing. Most of all, I have thanked God for the people He placed in my life while on the trip. I have worked to stay in touch with them, and I can't wait to see what else God has in store for all of our futures. I have learned that God is a slow moving God. I have to be patient. I have to wait with an open mind and an open heart. Overall, the past week has almost felt like an out of body experience. I can't believe that it's already been a week since being there. I am looking forward to keeping track of Global Soccer Ministries and someday returning.
- Alex

As soon as I got home the first thing out of my Mom’s mouth was, “Do you want to move to Guatemala to teach?” It surprised me, but it probably shouldn’t have. I was still processing everything going through my mind. I didn’t think I’d have so much to think about when I got back from Guatemala. I knew a mission trip would be a life changing experience for me, but I didn’t expect this. It’s like my heart is breaking. I’m overwhelmed. My brain feels constantly clouded. I want so badly to be back down in Guatemala City helping. God opened a door for me, one I never expected to be opened. In a more practical sense though, I still have two more years of college. My degree will be for teaching science, not English as a second language. I still can’t fluently speak Spanish. And then I wonder, is this really where God is leading me or is this me over thinking it. My mind wanders back to a devotion we did on the trip. Philippians 1:6 says, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Whatever God has planned for me, he will complete his plans. He is slowly and carefully building me into the woman he wants me to be. So I will just have to be patient and see what God has in store for me.
This trip really impacted my life in many ways. God made me realize there are ways I can be helping in my own community until or if I am called to Guatemala. I am seeking to become more involved in my home church. I also know I want to go on another mission trip. I think it was very important for me to be around Christians from different cultures than me. My brothers and sisters in Guatemala taught me so much but I know I have much more to learn. I am so thankful for everyone who helped make this trip possible. Most of all, I’m thankful for all the ways God continues to bless me and amaze me.
- Kate

The trip home was sad only because i was afraid i wouldn't be as close to God as i was when i was in Guatemala. But i realized you don't have to be on a missions trip or out of the states to be close to God, i was wrong in thinking that.
I can be close to God right here at home. I just have to keep my faith on a strong foundation. Guatemala had taught me a lot in that one week that i was there. It taught me how to love others unconditionally and that i don't need any thing to
be happy, all i need is my Lord and Savor Jesus Christ who paid the debts of my sin on the cross.
- Sandi

Saturday, July 10, 2010

In Miami awaiting our connection to DTW.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 7

This week has been the most amazing experience in my life. It is really hard to explain this whole week in one post but honestly I will never be the same. This week we have been working on a school and the changes that I saw in the end were great. The last day we worked for a little bit then we got the rest of the day we got to play with the children. It was so fun and I will never forget them. Today we went to Antigua and got to shop the entire day. This was the funniest shopping experience I have had. This week had been mind blowing both in my faith but also my relationships with others. I have made friends that I would have never been able to meet if I didn’t go on this trip. It also has been a blessing that the other group staying at the seminary had a worship service every night and being able to worship with God after everything he has done has been an awesome thing. They will never know how much it helped us and I want to thank them. Another thing that has hit me this week has been seeing God working through John and Amy. The way that God is using them here has made me think I want that when I get older. That in my future I want God to work through me in a way that I can’t even control. I would never trade what I have experienced in this past week for anything. God has opened my eyes to many things and has changed a lot in my life.
- Emma
P.S. Hey Mom thanks for the notes of encouragement!! I love you guys!!

This week has been a life changing experience. I know that is what everyone says, but it is so true. This week has been so out of my comfort zone, like being away from home in a foreign country. Also being with kids is totally not what I enjoy doing. Being here has been so amazing. There was another mission group here with us this week from Tennessee, and every night they had a worship service and were kind enough to invite our group to join them. Thursday night they decided to just have worship and prayer. During the last song, “Here I Am to Worship” (Which to me has just always been one of those songs that I knew all the words to and just sang because it was a song I liked), the meaning of the words just jumped out: Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you’re my God. You’re altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me. I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.” I thought how true those words have been this week. I was completely and totally vulnerable to God and what he had to say to me. It hit me that He wanted me to bow down and listen to Him for once in my life.
Emma and I grew to be like sisters again this week. She challenged me to do a few things that are going to be extremely hard for me, but very beneficial. And I did the same for her.
During this week I have also gotten really close with Al. I now look to her as an older sister. She gives very good advice and just loves the Lord with a passion I haven’t seen in a person in a long time. She is so willing and ready to share a verse, or her faith, and wants to be whatever God wants her to be. I want to be more like Al.
While being here, I have realized I am a stronger person than I ever knew. And now because of Al, Emma, and the Tennessee groups worship service, I am a stronger Christian. Being here was an indescribably incredible experience.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 6

¡Hola, Kate y Alex aqui! So we have a lot to say and only so much space to write before you get tired of reading. We’ll make it short and sweet…or try. Today was our last day of work. The wall is not complete but we helped lay the foundation. Painting was completed on all the walls and steps outside and the majority of the auditorium/church. It was so awesome to see the fruits of our labor. And we could tell our work was much appreciated by the woman who started the school, Pastor Jaime, Fermin and the entire school. Today wasn’t all work though. We both spent time in a 4th grade classroom observing. La profesora, or the teacher was teaching math, specifically fractions and areas. The teacher had so much passion for her students. You could see it in her face and the way she spoke. Teachers at this school don’t get paid well either, so you know she must really love her job.
After observing we threw a party for the students that consisted of games, face painting, animal balloons, snacks and sharing our testimonies. It was my (Kate) first time and so I was a bit nervous but really excited to stretch myself spiritually. It was difficult to tell how the students took in what we were saying, but even if one person there was encouraged it was worth it.
Both of us have enjoyed getting to know our team members. The conversations, specifically shared over a paintbrush and dirty walls was a great way to learn more about each other. Although there’s a gap in age, we were both extremely excited to build new friendships. It’s also a great opportunity to be a role model. Did you know as many as nine people are always looking up to you? It just makes us wonder, are we always setting a good example. We couldn’t have asked for a better team, a better leader, or a better host family. The Banta’s are an amazing family that we will always be encouraged by.
Today, being our last day of work was bittersweet. We seemed to hit a wall in our work ethic, but we never stopped seeing God. He was there in the conversations, the children playing, the view of mountains, volcanoes and greenery, or the sudden downpour as it approached us from the distance. It was difficult leaving the school thinking we may never see this place again, but God willing we will return. Because… “Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city.”
- Kate & Alex

Where to start…Wow what an amazing week. I have met so many people after God’s own heart. I have learned so much about this team and the people of Guatemala in just 4 short days. Each person has touched my life in their own special and unique ways. I just thank God for this opportunity to be here and to work next to each and every one of them. The work at times was hard but we all pulled through and accomplished the task. I also want to thank God for John and Amy Banta, their vision for ministering to this community of people is so much bigger than any of us can ever imagine. I pray that all that read these blogs can see what God has planned and lays it in your hearts to help any way that is possible.

In Christ Jesus-


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Picture Problems

I've been having difficulty getting pictures to upload on to the blog.  I have managed to get a few on to my personal facebook account and also on the Simply Missions Facebook page.  If you are on facebook you can check them out.
- joe

Leaders Perspective

It is always nice when we have the technology available to post blog updates on these trips. Unfortunately, the little glimpse that you get to read from these team members is just exactly that – a little glimpse. It is impossible for us to convey even a small portion of what we are experiencing here. Truth be told, it will take months for most of us to process all that we’ve taken in and participated with in these few days in Guatemala. For all those friends and family reading this, remember to be patient with us when we return. We’ll have a lot to say but it may not all come out right away. Keep asking and keep listening.

I want to say a special word of encouragement to all the parents of the students on this trip. You are all doing something right. I am so proud of all of them! These girls have heart, passion, humor, positive attitudes, strength, and spunk! I love them all and am so privileged to be able to share this week with them. Thanks for trusting me to lead them on this journey, it is an honor to serve alongside each of them.

For me personally, this has been a great trip. For some reason I have this tendency to be in Guatemala with the Banta’s when God is stirring things up. Last time I was here we were praying for a house for them, this time we are praying for a soccer complex on a hilltop that overlooks the city. It’s the kind of thing that most of us only get to read about in missionary support letters and here we are living it as it unfolds. Today we stood on that property and prayed for God’s provision. There’s just something neat about being that close to a situation that God is orchestrating. I trust that you can sense that excitement in the posts, but if you can’t, I’m sure you’ll see it on the faces of these students when they return home.

Speaking of prayer… thanks to all those who have been praying for good weather. We have been working in a ditch and painting outdoors every day this week and have not gotten wet yet. Considering that this is the rainy season, I’m going to go ahead and call that a miracle! We have one more work day and then we get to enjoy a tour day in Antigua. We’d love great weather for both days, so keep praying!

Finally, I am so blessed to be a missionary to missionaries, to lead teams on these journeys, to introduce people to missions, and to be a part of the work that God is doing around the world. Thanks so much for all of you who make the ministry of www.simplymissions.org possible!
- joe

P.S. feel free to comment on any of our posts, we read your comments and enjoy them!

Day 5

With my neck red and my ears blistered, I woke up on this overcast morning in Guatemala very tired and needless to say a bit sore. Once again, the ride to the school offered reassurance from God that He was going to strengthen our entire group. I can not seem to get over the beautiful back drop of our work site. With the mountains and hills stretching as far as the eye can see, God has definitely left His fingerprints. A few things left there mark on me, today. The first one happened while scraping the scum off the stairs. There was a two year old boy and a three year old girl trying to walk up the steep stairs. While they were attempting this task the little girl grasped tightly to the boys hand. She was patient and continued to encourage. A bit later, while I was painting it hit me. God was like, this is how I am with you! “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” God is grasping my hand tightly, never letting go. What an image?!
Towards the end of our day, John took us to a potential spot for his dream soccer complex that will have multiple fields, locker rooms, and maybe a school one day. He took us up a mountain that had a view of the entire city of Guatemala. John’s enthusiasm and passion never ceases to astound me. You can see God living within him and working through his ministry. I hope that I can take my passions and use them to bring people to God. This is such a great opportunity for this ministry and God is working so much through it.
Tomorrow is our last day of work and I am a bit sad. I hope that I can take back what I have learned and share it with others. God never ceases to amaze me. He has brought many new friendships and helped strengthen old ones. I have learned that all I need for true happiness, true hope, true faith, and true love, is God.
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 4

Today was a great experience with the work crew, I saw God all around me within friends and the students. I have never experienced God as I did today. I saw and noticed Him working through me and others. Today I think we all got closer as a group and as friends, we all now have a deep connection with one another. We all took turns digging and hacking at the dirt and painting and still seemed to get what was needed done.

So today was a really great day I saw God everywhere I turned, within our group and within the kids that I got to play with. All of the children have so little and still the laugh and play its really amazing to think that they have little and still can remain happy, even though I could barely understand what they were saying just to be around them was amazing. Another thing is when we were working in the trench and picking up rocks we all grew a lot closer bonding and laugh and having a good time. Even though we were working we made the best out of it and had fun along the way. It really amazed me at how eleven people who are so different can come together as one. We also played a soccer game against a bunch of buff dudes from Tennessee and got our butts kicked but its okay because we kept a positive attitude and tried to keep persevering just like we have been doing so far all this week. I am really proud of what we have accomplish so far this week and I know we will keep going until the job that has been set before us is finished.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” (Isaiah 6:8). This is my first mission trip and first time ever being out of the country; I’ve had no clue what to expect and everything our group has done has put me out of my element and made me see things from a different perspective. A big surprise to me was the warmth and loving character from the Guatemalan people. I am a naturally happy person, but that maybe because I have everything I could ever want, being a privileged American; I guess I was expecting a sinister attitude from the people I smiled at. To my surprise and joy I found that even though these Guatemalans have so much less than I, they find joy in their life. I am convicted; why do I let stupid worries burden me? I will never forget how incredibly blessed I am.
I find myself being amazed by John and Amy Banta; they are such Godly servants, always putting others before themselves. They have poured themselves into their ministry and rely on God for their source of strength. They are not only great parents, but great friends to people of all ages. John has so much energy; he was extremely pleased to see that we play basketball (you don’t find many basketball players in Guatemala). John is a fireball that, I must say, is an extremely good basketball player! John and Amy are a blessing to work alongside.
I have grown close to John and Amy’s intern, Danielle. She is a great person that I’ve found a lot in common with. I enjoy working with her and am so glad she is from Grand Rapids so I will be able to know her better when we both get back to the states.
God has blessed our group with many times of laughter, many times of deep reflection and connection. I am so thankful for all that God is teaching me on this trip to Guatemala; it’s so beautiful here and I don’t want to leave. I know, however, that when I do leave I will be able to talk about what I have learned with others and encourage them in the ways that I have been encouraged here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 3

Today was our first day of work and probably my first day hard labor in a year that didn’t include a basketball. This week we are working in Canalitos, zone 23, which is an impoverished community on the outskirts of Guatemala City. The drive to the community took about thirty minutes. As we winded through the mountainous landscape we took in the beautiful views of volcanoes in the far off distance and the more realistic view of the community we had come to serve. Homes were scattered throughout the hills, all of them extremely modest and most of them made of sheets of tin. The reality that this is all many of the people of Guatemala City have to call home is still sinking in. The drive out to Canalitos was just as much of a learning experience as the actual work we put in today.

Our project for the week is working at a school in the community of Canalitos. It is there that we began preparations for rebuilding a wall that surrounds the playground and keeps the children safe during recess and the afterschool program Pastor Jaime runs. The wall was taken out not too long ago by the heavy rainfall, which accompanied a tropical storm that swept through Guatemala. The work was really tough. A one meter deep trench is needed to lay the foundation for this wall. The dirt however is moist and quite heavy. Also, we began putting a fresh coat of paint on parts of the wall that still exist. This was no easy task either. The wall needed to be cleaned and the chipping paint scrubbed away.

Okay, so I have so much to say but this is the last thing I promise. Today I saw God in so many places. In the children I played with, the warm smiles of people passing on the streets, the relationships being built among our team, but mainly I saw Him in the woman who started this school up about 36 years ago. She began this school in her home and gradually expanded as more students came in. God provided her with the resources to build this school in Canalitos where she now provides 200 students with an education. She is using her life savings to make this school possible. God gave her a vision and her perseverance and desire to fulfill it amazes me and I don’t even know half the story I’m sure. I have so much more to say, but I’ll save it for my journal.

Day 2 - In Pictures

Day 2 - Sunday

Saturday for the first half was just walking in like a half awake blur. The second half of the day was pretty cool. When we arrived at the seminary I played a little soccer with Luke and Titus (two of the Banta’s kids). Then later we all crammed into the van for a tour of zone 18 where John and Amy serve. On Sunday we went to church, which was probably the best service I have ever been to and I couldn’t understand half of what was said. Brandon, the guest speaker, talked about Matthew 9:35-38. It talks about how Jesus was going from town to town healing and preaching and was super busy, but was never too busy for anyone. If God is never too busy for anyone or anything, why are we almost always too busy for Him? After church we went to John and Amy’s for lunch, then we went to the zoo!!! We were playing in the fountain, and we were basically an exhibit for the Guatemalans. They were most likely thinking “those crazy Americans”. After the zoo we came back and went to the park and played some soccer with a few Guatemalan boys. I was on a team with Jose Diego and a boy who I called Fabreeze because I couldn’t pronounce his name; it was close to Fabreeze though. Since it was the 4th of July, there was a party at John and Amy’s. We ate, talked, and Chris did a few card tricks for Sandi, Sierra, and I. We went back to the park and lit fireworks. It was great!!!
- Tamry E.

My experience in Guatemala so far has been incredible. We arrived Saturday, and as soon as we got here I knew I was going to love it. The people, the city, the language, everything is so intriguing to me! John gave us a tour of Guatemala City our first day, and what I learned quickly was soccer is the knot that ties everyone closer here. There are soccer fields everywhere, kids playing in the streets, and people wearing jerseys-not to mention the world cup everyone’s already ecstatic about. It’s their bonding point, and definitely what they love to do.
The church service has definitely been my highlight point of the trip so far. We sang, half being in Spanish, and half in English. After worship, Brandon (guest speaker) talked on the vision of the world, verses the vision of believers. By not conforming to the worlds ways and making known were Christians. Everyone was so.. compassionate and loving and you could tell they truly loved the Lord. It was by far one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life, and I absolutely LOVE the mission trip so far, and I am so glad God has blessed me with the opportunity to come!!
-Lexy U.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thoughts on the Journey

The first day of our trip to Guatemala was a long day of transport through various airports and several modes of ground transportation. The day was exhausting, but painless, as everything went as smooth as one could ask for when travelling internationally with a group. Upon our arrival in Guatemala City we were promptly met by John, Amy, their kids and a couple of their friends. John and Amy are our missionary hosts and they seem to be absolutely on fire for their cause here. I am delighted to have met them and honored to have the opportunity to serve here with them. The entire group was given a van tour around the area that John and Amy serve. It was a wonderful opportunity to get some brief exposure to the living conditions and people in some of the poorest communities in Guatemala City. John was a great guide and has all inspired and excited to get our hands dirty as we work with and help the people in these areas. For me, I hope to be able to provide whatever help and service I can. However, it already seems clear that the people here probably will have more of an impact of my life than I will on theirs.
- Scott G.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

In Guatemala!

Our team arrived in Guatemala City safely at 1:45pm (3:45pm Eastern). We breezed through immigration and customs and made a quick rendezvous with our host missionary family - John & Amy Banta. We grabbed a quick snack at a familiar favorite (McDonalds) and then headed up to the Seminary where we will be staying. We just finished up orientation (pictured below) and we are getting ready to head off to take a tour of some of the areas we will be working in this week. The accommodations are fabulous, the people are friendly, and everyone seems to be in good spirits. 
On board for our flight from Miami to Guatemala City. Hope to post an arrival update later this evening.
On the ground in Miami.
All checked in and through security. Everyone is bright, cheery, and excited for the day! Next stop, Miami.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Ready for a great trip to Guatemala tomorrow!