Friday, February 6, 2009

February Update

Hey Team,

Well, we are about 4 months away from getting on a plane and flying to Jamaica and with temperatures like we are having lately it won’t come soon enough. But you will be surprised at how fast it actually does come. So, here are a few things to remember…

Payment Info:

At this point everyone should have paid their deposit ($100) plus four payments of $127 for a total of $608. Some of you are current on your payments and some of you are a little behind. Please make every effort to stay on schedule as we have bills coming in for various trip expenses. The next payment is due on March 2nd. If you want a current summary of where you are with funds, send me an email and I will let you know.

Next Meeting: Sunday, February 15, 3:00-4:30pm

We have been holding these meetings at my house and I know it is a little cramped. Is anyone else that lives in a central location interested in hosting this meeting? Let me know soon. We have some important things to discuss at the upcoming meeting so please mark your calendars.

Metal Recycling:

There is a dumpster at Chet Malone’s shop located at 1183 S. Dettman. To get there you want to go south of Page Ave. The road looks like it dead ends. The entrance is on the left. The dumpster is right inside of the back gate. This dumpster will be removed by February 12th so if you have been saving up your cans or other metal stuff, make sure you take advantage of the opportunity to get the cash for it. Drop off your stuff before February 12!


Keep praying regularly for both this trip and all of your team members!


mr. n

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